Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

More Myth-Making of the "Pragmatist" Obama

Times reporters like Jodi Kantor continue to push the soothing idea that President Obama won't appoint liberals to the Supreme Court, just "pragmatists" like him.

Tea Parties = "Group Therapy" for Angry Conservatives

Plus: Making Fun of Republicans Like Mocking the Mentally Ill

Harsh Al Qaeda Interrogation Blurred Difference Between Terrorists and U.S.?

Talking about the history of harsh interrogiation tactics, the Times is suddenly employing "Chinese Communists" as a pejorative and calling Communist Khmer Rouge genocidist Pol Pot a "despot." ...

Did the Times Bury an Inconvenient Torture Memo Story?

The paper relegated its hit Tuesday story, indicating harsh interrogation methods had proven effective in understanding Al Qaeda, to five paragraphs of a separate story in Wednesday's ...

Aww! Obama Tears Up Over Letters from Public

Reporter Ashley Parker certainly did a great job making Barack Obama look compassionate. Did Bush ever get the same treatment from the Times?

Witty Barney Frank, Meet Senator Al Franken

An article by Michael Powell awards the contested Minnesota Senate seat to Al Franken and revels in the anti-Republican wit of liberal Rep. Barney Frank.

Torturous Reading: Self-Righteous Editors and "The Scary Caterpillar"

What? "To read the four newly released memos on prisoner interrogation written by George W. Bush's Justice Department is to take a journey into depravity. Their language is the precise ...

The Times Flatters Another Liberal Paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

"In the 1950s and '60s, under Ralph McGill, The Atlanta Constitution infuriated conservative white readers with its liberal views, especially on segregation. Cynthia Tucker, the editorial page ...

Left-Wing Thugs in Latin America "Inspired" By Obama, Times Applauds

Bleech: "Leaders from the Western Hemisphere, inspired by a new American president, closed a two-day summit meeting proclaiming a new dawn for relations in the region..."

Charles Blow's Latest Conservative-Baiting

Blow defends a notorious Department of Homeland Security report tarring anyone active in conservative causes like abortion or immigration as potential extremists.

More Slimy Double Standards From Sportswriter Harvey Araton

For Araton, it's necessary for athletes and athletic commentators to speak out on public issues - unless it's for a cause that's not politically correct, like supporting teammates falsely accused ...

Big-Spending Obama's Not Liberal, Just "Pragmatic"

Reporter Richard Stevenson claims the big-spending, tax-raising president is actually committed "to the most basic conservative tenets: the power of markets as an engine of innovation and ...

Frank Rich's Inconvenient "Bigots" Against Gay Marriage

Frank Rich sees "the demise of America's anti-gay movement" and warns those "who have spread the poisons of bigotry and fear" by opposing gay marriage." Does that include President Obama and the ...

Times Leaves Off Rattner's Friendship With NYT Publisher

A story on a brewing controversy involving financier-turned-Obama-advisor Steven Rattner made no mention of his close friendship with Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., although the paper ...

Times Reloads Bad Mexico Gun Numbers

The "90 percent" figure just won't die.

Specter One of a "Dwindling Band of Republican Moderates"

Haven't they dwindled away yet? The Times first used the phrase "dwindling band of Republican moderates" back in 1996.

"Gruff...Rambling" Conservative Justice Thomas vs. "Energetic...Precise" Ginsburg

Unbalanced views of public appearances by two Supreme Court justices, one conservative, the other liberal.

Times Uses Librarian Obit to Bash "Insidious Portion" of Patriot Act

Plus: The Times calls a single group "ultraconservative" 15 times but has only used the term "ultraliberal" to describe any liberal group once.

NYT, Heal Thyself

The Times worries that health insurance plans may not cover a new cancer therapy - but if the Times was in charge of health care, would there be any new kinds of therapies developed for insurance ...

Times Says Tea Parties "More About Group Therapy" and Anger Than Solutions

Liz Robbins dismisses the tea parties as a temper tantrum: "All of these tax day parties seemed less about revolution and more about group therapy" and "offered no solutions," just anger.