Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Amazing Omissions in Times Interview of Barney Frank

A Times writer manages to talk to Barney Frank about Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and an SNL skit without bringing up a single challenging question.

Free-Market Radical From Czech Republic "Embarrasses" EU Again

Once again, the Times chides a Czech Republic leader's infuriating embrace of free-market principles.

Striving to Paint a More Positive Picture of a Cop-Killer

Lovelle Mixon killed four Oakland police officers - but was he also a victim of the California penal system?

As the Times Turns: Obama "More Enervating Than Energizing"

The Times holds the hagiography in its coverage of Obama's "professor-in-chief" prime-time press conference.

Slimy Bush Bashing in the Science Section

A cheap shot against the former president in a story about...a giant amoeba?

The NYT's Constitution Applies to Illegal Immigrants, Not Gun Owners

"The Constitution's bedrock protections do not apply to just the native-born. The suffering that illegal immigrants endure - from raids to workplace exploitation to mistreatment in detention - is ...

NYT's Idea of "The Best News" - Gay Commitments

Students attending their Harlem teacher's "gay commitment" ceremony is worth a big profile by reporter Susan Dominus. Plus: Seventh-grade "homophobes"?

"Plan B" Coverage Shows Clear Labeling Bias Against Social Cons

Not a pro-abortion group, but a "women's health advocate."

More Publicity for Lefty Robert Greenwald's Latest Screed

The Times touts leftist filmmaker Robert Greenwald once again, in a story about his piece-by-piece documentary arguing for withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Times' Liberals Turn Against Obama

Has Obama's "Katrina Moment" arrived? Maybe, says Frank Rich: "A charming visit with Jay Leno won't fix it. A 90 percent tax on bankers' bonuses won't fix it. Firing Timothy Geithner won't fix it. ...

Barack Obama: He's Even a Good Apologizer

Obama's quick apology for his "Special Olympics" crack impresses the Times. Would Bush have gotten the same understanding treatment?

No "Tea Party" Coverage, But Tiny Leftist "Bus Tour" of AIG Homes Gets Ink

The media outnumbered the protestors in a 'bus tour' protest of the homes of AIG employees in affluent Fairfield, Conn. - yet the Times completely ignored a larger protest against Obama's big ...

Times Forgets Sen. Dodd Is a Democrat

There was only one thing missing from the paper's front-page story on the backlash against Sen. Chris Dodd's A.I.G. bonus-guarantees: His Democratic party affiliation.

Times Laments Lack of Blacks on TV, Uses "Redneck"

The Times' Edward Wyatt uses the word "redneck" in a politically correct story arguing for greater racial diversity on television.

Tear Down Those Anti-Capitalist Manifestos, Comrades

Really? "The Shining Path Maoists now embrace capitalism in the form of an illicit business."

False "Moderation" from Legal Reporter Neil Lewis

With the first judicial pick of the Obama administration, the Times carries on its tradition of calling liberal judges (like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) "moderate."

Assaulting Bush in Phony War Over "Academic Freedom"

Magazine writer James Traub uses left-wing controversy over plans for a Bush presidential center at Southern Methodist University to talk another assault on Bush's legacy.

Conservatives Are Doomed, This Time in...Utah?

Kirk Johnson sees the death of conservatism in the repeal of a Utah liquor law and celebrates the state's moderate GOP governor Jon Huntsman Jr.

Columnist Roger Cohen Defends Anti-Israel Chas Freeman

Last week Cohen said he was ashamed by Israel's actions and called for the recognition of Hamas. This week, he defends the vituperatively pro-Saudi, anti-Israel Chas Freeman, who has suggested ...

McCain's "Strong Economy" vs. Obama's "Sound Economy"

When John McCain claimed "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," the Times hammered him as out of touch and ignorant about economics. How will they treat Obama's almost-identical statement?