Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Ad Wars: Obama vs. Republicans. Guess Who the Times Favors?

More double standards: An Obama ad does "a compelling job" of tying McCain to George Bush, while a Republican ad is confusing and its effectiveness questionable.

Times Finally Sees Left-Wing Opposition to Bailout Bill, But Leaves Off Liberal Labels

Apparently, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus aren't liberal groups.

Deep-Thinker Frank Rich Lauds "The View" & Letterman for Calling Out McCain's "Lies"

Sentences we finished only because we're being paid to: "Picking up where the 'The View' left off in speaking truth to power..."

Entirely Wrong Times Says McCain's Tax Claim "Simply False"

A fact-checking flub by Larry Rohter: "Mr. McCain's claim has been called 'simply false' by the nonpartisan" vs. "McCain was right..."

Fact-Check Reporter Quietly Fact-Checks Himself on Bad Anti-McCain Claim

Larry Rohter on Saturday claimed McCain was "simply false" to say that Obama voted to raise taxes on people making just $42,000 a year. On Tuesday, he wrote: "The bottom line is that if passed ...

GOP Blamed for Failed Bailout Vote, Even Though 40% of Dems Opposed

Reporter Jackie Calmes: "...the House Republicans made the difference. Their mutiny captured just how much the Republican Party has changed from its 19th-century roots as the party of business and ...

On NYT's Front Page: "Cranky," Forgetful John McCain

Alessandra Stanley: "[McCain] repeated that he had not been elected Miss Congeniality of the Senate - some viewers might have wondered if he had forgotten that he had already used that metaphor."

How Dare McCain Talk About Winning In Iraq!

A lead editorial bizarrely chastises McCain for wanting America to win in Iraq.

Did McCain Call for Tougher Regulation of Fannie and Freddie? Yes, But...

Grudging acknowledgement that John McCain called for more regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: "Senator John McCain is correct: He warned two years ago that Congress should rein in Fannie Mae ...

Discovering the Sarah Palin Rape-Kit "Scandal'

A Times editor arrives two weeks later to a left-wing rumor: "When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the small town began billing sexual-assault victims for the cost of rape kits and ...

Times Goes After Obama's "Misleading Attacks" on McCain

Rectifying the paper's pro-Obama tilt, the Times takes Obama to task in a front-page story on his campaign's misleading ads.

Obama Voters "Better Educated and More Diverse"

Plus: Clarence Thomas, Self-Hating Conservative Black?

Palin's "Foreign Policy Tutorials" - But Obama Didn't Need Any?

Kate Zernike: "Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska completed Day 2 of her foreign policy tutorials on Wednesday..."

McCain vs. the NYT, Round 2

Campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb: "Today the New York Times launched its latest attack on this campaign in its capacity as an Obama advocacy organization....willful disregard of the truth."

Times Accuses Group of Anti-Obama "Lies" on Abortion - But They're Right

The Times throws out the L-word against a group that wants to air a commercial accusing Obama of being a proponent of abortion on demand. But Obama has pledged to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, ...

Treasury Secy. Paulson's Request for Power: Like Bush on Iraq?

Do mention the war: "Some are suspicious of Mr. Paulson's characterizations, finding in his warnings and demands for extraordinary powers a parallel with the way the Bush administration gained ...

Times Watches ABC Talk Show "The View," Finds Liberal Slant

The paper reverses its previous opinion that the show was "generally friendly territory for politicians." Plus: Barbara Walters claims "I don't think anyone knows my political opinions." Really now?

Watch Your Back, Barack: McCain Will "Distort" Your Views in Debate

Reporter Katharine Seelye warns that John McCain is "handy with the rhetorical shiv" in debates and tells Obama to expect to have his views distorted by McCain.

Times Watch Director Hits Anti-McCain Bias on Fox News

Clay Waters detailed the paper's liberal slant for Fox News Channel's Bill Hemmer on Tuesday morning.

McCain vs. the NYT: It's On!

The McCain campaign again makes the New York Times an issue: "It is a pro-Obama advocacy organization that every day attacks the McCain campaign, attacks Senator McCain, attacks Governor Palin, ...