Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

The Times Finds Conservative Strongholds Everywhere It Goes

Question for Times reporters: Is there any part of Missouri that's not a "conservative bastion"?

McCain's Push for (White) Votes in Philly

Katharine Seelye underlines McCain's alleged racial appeals: "As the Republicans try to map out ways in which Mr. McCain could pull off an upset, they see fertile ground in some enclaves in ...

Headline of the Year (So Far)

Plus: "Ex-Radical" Bill Ayers? & Two Great Moments in Investigative Journalism

Obama's Sleazy Online Donations: Still Just Internet Rumors at the NYT

The Obama campaign is ignoring basic security measures to stop illegal donations, but the scandal has yet to make the newspaper.

Still Protecting Obama's Radical Pal, Rashid Khalidi

For the second day in a row, the Times goes into defensive mode over radically anti-Israel professor and Obama pal Rashid Khalidi, who has defended killing Israeli soldiers in the name of ...

(Almost) Everyone Rejoice! Obama's Giving You a Tax Cut

Emphasizing Obama's populist appeal, while burying his tax hike for those making over $250,000 a year.

McCain's "Joe the Plumber" Flop; An NYT Photo Flop

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller lingered lovingly over a McCain campaign flub involving no-show Joe the Plumber, a story accompanied by a photo of McCain talking only to himself. Obama, by contrast, ...

Ignoring Rashid Khalidi's Anti-Israeli Radicalism

An Obama friend who the Times calls merely "critical of Israel" has actually defended attacks against armed Israelis.

Black Vote + Rage Over Max Cleland = Saxby Chambliss Loss?

The Times is still spreading the myth of Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss's 2002 ad against Democratic hero Sen. Max Cleland, and looking toward a Chambliss loss in Georgia next week.

Sprightly Obama, Slogging McCain

Compare and contrast: "As he races across the country in the climax of a marathon campaign, Senator Barack Obama has honed a final message calling on America to 'turn the page'..." vs. "In these ...

"East Germany Had Its Charms, Crushed by Capitalism"

A book review headline that's a worthy companion to 1992's infamous: "A Gulag Breeds Rage, Yes, but Also Serenity."

Desperate McCain Reduced to Calling Obama a "Redistributionist"

Katharine Seelye: "You know a campaign is reaching when it starts calling the opponent a 'redistributionist,' as Mr. McCain said of 'Barack the wealth-spreader.'"

Still Waiting for Cuban-Americans to Forget Fidel and Vote Democrat

More hopeful thinking that Miami's Cuban-American community will drop its obsession with Communist dictator Fidel Castro: "A victory by any of the Democrats could bring to Washington a new ...

Frank Rich Defends White America Against McCain-Palin's Racist Appeals

Frank Rich defends white Americans, now that they're supporting Obama: "Such human nuances are lost on conservative warriors of the Allen-McCain-Palin ilk. They see all Americans as only white or ...

NYT: Everyone Loves Michelle Obama; Her "Proud" Gaffe Needs Context

Patrick Healy is quick to put Michelle Obama's "proud of America" gaffe in context and suggest it's a discredited charge. The Times didn't give Cindy McCain quite that kind of consideration.

McCain Campaign "Stoking" Unjust Fears of Vote Fraud

Katharine Seelye: McCain's comments "threw another log onto a fire already burning in the conservative blogosphere and on talk radio..."

Scary Religious Conservatives Battling Gay Marriage in California

A "wind-whipped wildfire" of religious conservatives are battling gay marriage in California "in stunningly apocalyptic terms," reports Laurie Goodstein.

Gov. Palin's Scary "Spiritual Warfare"

Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein forwarded a story on Palin's religion that's been circulating on left-wing blogs and cites a website that ran an article calling the governor's beliefs ...

CNN Host, Bush-Bashing Comedian "Hard to Place" on Political Spectrum

Neither the Times nor CNN's president Jon Klein remember new variety-show host D.L. Hughley's anti-Bush rants.

Bill Ayers an "Ex-Radical" Who "Hardly Resembled" an "Unrepentant Terrorist"

Colin Moynihan goes to see Ayers in Manhattan: "While describing his views on education and social justice, Mr. Ayers hardly resembled the unrepentant terrorist that his critics have sought to ...