Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Bumiller Breaks out the Thesaurus: Shinseki "Vilified" and "Reviled" by Bushies

Elisabeth Bumiller, the paper's Bush-hostile White House reporter, keeps it going as she moves to the foreign policy desk covering the Pentagon.

Unhealthy Eagerness for More Government Health Care

Kevin Sack crosses his fingers for government-run health care: "If a broad swath of Americans feel destabilized enough by health costs, their demands for relief could help marginalize the kind of ...

Iraqi Shoe-Hurling Journalist Merely Expressing "Dissent"?

The Times pointed out that symbols of both Bush and Saddam Hussein had been pelted with shoes by Iraqis, emphasizing that the protest against Bush had been "far bigger."

Did "Hyperpartisan" Era Really Begin With Clinton's Impeachment?

Peter Baker's partisanship timeline conveniently ignores the unfair treatment by liberals of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.

Frank Rich: Blagojevich Not the Real Crook

"Blagojevich's alleged crimes pale next to the larger scandals of Washington and Wall Street. Yet those who promoted and condoned the twin national catastrophes of reckless war in Iraq and ...

The Myth of "Pragmatic" Clinton vs. "Incurious" George

Presenting Bill Clinton, the "pragmatic" president who pushed for overseas abortion funding and gays in the military.

Terrorist Bill Ayers Has His Say on Same Page McCain Was Refused

McCain's op-ed unworthy, but domestic terrorist Bill Ayers' op-ed is: "The Real Bill Ayers" falsely claims the Weather Underground never attacked people.

The NYT's Unlikely Savior

What media mogul Rupert Murdoch wants, Rupert Murdoch gets? A Vanity Fair writer can picture it happening.

Jewish Settlers on a "Rampage"

The Times doesn't much like right-wingers in Israel, either, applying a double standard to Jewish protestors and Palestinian ones.

Times Hails Anti-Prop 8 Protests as "Stonewall 2.0"

More flattering coverage of the "New Wave of Gay Rights Activists," with no mention of the dark side of the protests.

Are Autoworkers Really Making $73 an Hour? No, Says UAW & NYT...

...but Yes, says the Heritage Foundation and the automakers themselves.

The Overly Mysterious "Muxes" of Mexico

Meet the Muxes, a mysterious "third category" of person with "special intellectual and artistic gifts"...or maybe just a bunch of transvestities in Mexico?

NYT Ignores Concerns on Video of Jesus Defending Gay Marriage

"A particularly flippant Jesus Christ" channels Obama in a viral video satirizing opposition to California's Proposition 8 outlawing gay marriage - but the Times can't find anyone to criticize its ...

Lack of Snow in NYC Due to You Know What

Times theatre critic Charles Isherwood is feeling "flake-deficient" and blames global warming.

Times Readers Revolt Against "Plantation-Style" Photos in Surrogacy Article

Readers didn't appreciate the rich woman/poor servant feel of Times' reporter Alex Kuczynski's article on hiring a surrogate to bear her child.

Liberal Snob Egan Angry at "No Good" Joe the Plumber's Book Deal

Timothy Egan: "Joe, a k a Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, was no good as a citizen, having failed to pay his full share of taxes, no good as a plumber, not being fully credentialed, and not even any good ...

Race-Obsessed Nossiter Emphasizes White Turnout in Corrupt Dem's Defeat

Rep. William "Cold Cash" Jefferson of Louisiana was upset by Republican Anh Cao. But Adam Nossiter found no historic impact in the election of the first Vietnamese-American to Congress, only ...

Business to Blame for "Shopping Guernica" at Wal-Mart

Plus Obama's Big-Government Plans Will Provide "Comfort" in Bad Economic Times

David Brooks: A "Conservative" Columnist Acceptable to the Left

The Times' Gail Collins explains why she hired David Brooks as a columnist.

Examination of Rahm Emanuel's Finances Leaves Out Freddie Mac

Reporter Michael Luo completely ignores incoming Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's service on the board of the disgraced Freddie Mac during a period the organization was misleading its investors.