Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

It's Funny Because It's True

Dave Barry finds the leaders of Obama's fan club.

Is the Times Losing Its Balance in Israel-Hamas Coverage?

Does a front-page story, "In Dense Gaza, Civilians Suffer," signal the Times will once again start criticizing Israel for going too far?

More NYT Gullibility on Cuba's "Advances in Education and Health Care"

Simon Romero falls for the old liberal line on Cuba's "enduring revolution."

Vicki Iseman Sues Times for $27 Million for Defamation

The telecom lobbyist is charging that a February front-page story paper "falsely communicated" that she had a romantic relationship with Sen. John McCain.

GOP in Trouble Again Over "Barack the Magic Negro"

Reporter Jason DeParle calls race-baiting Al Sharpton a "civil rights advocate" in a slanted story about a new controversy over Rush Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" song parody.

Is Government to Blame for Rise in Black-on-Black Murder?

Government to blame for the rise in black-on-black murder rates? A news report by Eric Eckholm stresses the possibility: "A report blames cuts in community policing and social programs."

Go Down, Moses

The Times treated conservative acting legend Charlton Heston and CIA turncoat Philip Agee with equal hostility.

Top 10 Lowlights of the New York Times from Campaign 2008

The theme from 2008: The hopeful Obama vs. the fallen "maverick" McCain.

Fox News Panelists Excoriate "Mortgage Bonfire" Hit Piece on Bush

Fortune Magazine's Washington Bureau Chief Nina Easton: "I have to say I was flabbergasted when I read this story, flabbergasted....You cannot write a story about affordable housing policies and ...

The Times Falls for French Prank After Mocking Palin for Similar Gaffe

The Times, which last month mocked Sarah Palin for getting taken in by a French taken in by a French prank, publishing a phony letter from the "Mayor of Paris."

Liberal Kristof Admits Conservatives More Generous Than Liberals

Nicholas Kristof: "Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to ...

The Times Finally Finds a "Furor" Around an Obama Pastor

Not the anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but the anti-gay marriage Rev. Rick Warren.

NYT Front-Page Spread Blames Bush for "Mortgage Bonfire"

Two Bush-hostile reporters stack virtually all the blame for the mortgage meltdown on President Bush, despite actions by Congress and the previous Clinton administration.

The "Ultra-Conservative" Paul Weyrich an "Unbending Ideologue"

Even in marking the death of conservative icon Paul Weyrich (pictured), the Times couldn't resist piling on unflattering labels.

Middle East Moral Equivalency Watch: Terrorist Group Hamas vs. Israel

According to reporter Ethan Bronner, the terrorist group Hamas and the state of Israel both 'have a point' when it comes to violating a truce - and a defensive move by Israel 'drove the cycle of ...

Adam Nossiter: Loves Taxes, Dislikes Southern Conservatives

Adam Nossiter again showed his love of tax hikes and his hostility toward Southern conservatives in a story in which he enjoys Louisiana's financial struggles a little too much and condescends to ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2008 - The NYT's Worst Quotes of the Year

The New York Times' embrace of Barack Obama's candidacy, and its fervent defense of him against John McCain's "racist" and unfair attacks, made 2008 a particularly bias-packed year for the paper. ...

Integrity of Interior Department Compromised By Bush

Reporter John Broder portrays Ken Salazar as a Cabinet official who must clean up the mess made by Bush: "He will be expected to restore scientific integrity to a department where it has ...

Taking the Federal Government to Kindergarten

Education reporter Sam Dillon only talks to liberals who argue that massive pre-school spending by the federal government would be a wise investment: "...experts are debating how best to improve ...

Putting the Boot In: Iraq Attack Kicks Off Front-Page Mockery of Bush

The editorial board blog harrumphs: "But we hope Mr. Bush does not only see the incident as a source of endless 'shoe' jokes." So why did the paper use the incident to mock Bush?