Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Guantanamo Bay's "Seemingly Endless Supply of Embarrassments"

Jumping on remarks by a Pentagon official regarding Guantanamo Bay, reporter William Glaberson takes a broad view of "torture" and dismisses as "public relations" the idea that detainees released ...

Cutting Obama's Treasury Pick Slack on Taxes

No scandal for Obama nominee Tim Geithner, tax scofflaw: "Geithner's Mistake on Tax Is Common, Experts Say."

Janet Napolitano, Obama's Brilliant Homeland Security Pick

Gushing over Obama pick Napolitano: "She is a 51-year-old self-described nerd who, despite a less-than-electrifying public persona, privately quotes lines from Monty Python movies, extols the ...

David Sanger: "Distraction" of Iraq War Came at Grievous Cost

Reporter David Sanger has encapsulated his opposition to Bush's foreign policy in book form: "The argument of the book is that Iraq not only cost 4,000 American lives, $800 billion and untold ...

Reviewer: Reporter David Sanger's Book Sure to Infuriate Rove, Bill O'Reilly

A reviewer on reporter David Sanger's anti-Bush book: "These unvarnished conclusions by Mr. Sanger will of course confirm the perfidy that Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly presume lies in the black ...

The Times' Middle East "Experts" All Lean Against Israel

Mark Landler employed emotional rhetoric while painting the U.S. as a knee-jerk proponent of whatever Israel does: "All agree that with Gaza in flames, the United States needs to make a renewed ...

Stolberg: Bush to Blame for Not Playing Nice With Media

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg on George W. Bush: "If he had engaged the press throughout his administration and used the press to his advantage, he would not find himself at the end of his ...

More Unfairness Against Israel

Double standards in Gaza: Reporter Ethan Bronner put the Palestinian case in emotionally resonant terms, while his marshalling of pro-Israel arguments is scattered and grudging.

Just Getting By on the Upper West Side

Everyone is hurting: "Instead of a long weekend at Canyon Ranch, maybe a day at the Cornelia Day Resort will do the trick."

GOP More to Blame for Partisanship

Mark Leibovich's story on the history of Washington partisanship failed to mention the left's attacks on Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, while hinting that Republicans might shoulder a bigger ...

"Lethal Tricks" by Both Hamas and Israel?

The Times demonstrates its usual obsession with moral equivalency in the Middle East: "Gaza War Is Full of Traps and Trickery By Both Hamas and Israel."

Jill Abramson's Hypocrisy: No "Partisan Hatchet Jobs" in the NYT?

Managing Editor Jill Abramson: "Our Rush Limbaugh magazine cover story was a rich, nuanced portrait of someone whose show has made him a large force over time at the intersection of news, ...

Medicare Trims Suddenly Not So Scary When Obama Proposes Them

Plus Falling for French Prank & Liberal Snobbery on the Loose

A Tale of Two Medicare Reforms: Obama's Benign "Overhaul" vs. GOP's Scary "Big Cuts"

A lead story by Jeff Zeleny and John Harwood shows that the Times has lost its false fear of "big cuts" in Medicare when they're proposed by Barack Obama.

Dick Cheney's "Reign of Terror"

From Maureen Dowd, in the midst of defending Caroline Kennedy's quest for a Senate appointment: "Hillary Clinton is a great talker, but she never stood up in the Senate to lead a crusade against ...

Leaving Out Israel's Side of the Story

As Israel's incursion into Gaza continued, a headline in Wednesday's print edition left no room for doubt who was to blame for a tragic loss of civilian life.

Rahm Emanuel's No Centrist

And is Barack Obama really "right-leaning" in comparison to anyone?

Columnist Randy Cohen on a "Nutty" Pro-Life Teacher

The Times' ethics columnist (pictured at right) finds the following sentiment extremely strange: "They will be standing on behalf of the one-third of their generation that have been innocent ...

Robert Pear Revs Up the Wayback Machine

Pear calls Lilly Ledbetter the Democratic "answer" to Joe the Plumber - but she preceded him in the campaign spotlight by several months.

More One-Sided Reporting on the Gaza "Assault"

Ethan Bronner: "Yet in its campaign so far, which has killed scores of children and other bystanders, Israel has not spared the trappings of Hamas sovereignty or limited itself to military targets."