Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Times Watch's New Supreme Court Study Discussed on Fox News

Fox News contributor Liz Trotta summarizes Times Watch findings on Saturday: "What they did, is they looked at seven Supreme Court nominees from 1991 to 2010, that's four Democrats and three ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - This Just in From the Obama White House

Plus Tea Party Racism and Disappearing Republican Moderates

This Just in From the Obama White House

Plus Tea Party Racism and Disappearing Republican Moderates

The New York Times Remembers the 'Good Life' for Many in the 'Socialist State' of East Germany

New York Times reporter Michael Slackman on the disillusionment felt by some East Germans over reunification: "Yet no one here is whitewashing the disappointment, the sense even now, two decades ...

John Boehner's 'Pale,' 'Pudgy' Chief of Staff vs. Obama's 'Low-Key and Lumbering,' Yet Soothing, One

A tale of two chiefs of staff, one for a top Republican, one for the top Democrat: "[Barry] Jackson, the chief of staff to Mr. Boehner, the House Republican leader from Ohio, is shaggy-haired and ...

Remembering the 'Good Life' for Many in the 'Socialist State' of East Germany

Michael Slackman on the disillusionment felt by some East Germans over reunification: "Yet no one here is whitewashing the disappointment, the sense even now, two decades later, of feeling treated ...

Cave Questions Why Critics of Conservative Marco Rubio Aren't Getting Through

Reporter Damien Cave innocently ponders why criticisms of conservative Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio aren't penetrating. What criticisms? Glad you asked: "Another detail that has surprised ...

NYT Sunday Mag on Beck: At Least He's Not as Smug as Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

Backhanded praise for Glenn Beck, leader of "the ultraconservative opposition to President Obama," from political profiler Mark Leibovich: "Beck rarely speaks with the squinty-eyed certainty or ...
Media Research Center

Supremely Slanted

How the New York Times Pounds Conservatives and Coddles Liberals When Nominated for the Supreme Court

Special Report: Supremely Slanted - How the Times Pounds Conservatives and Coddles Liberals on the Supreme Court

A Times Watch special report demonstrates how, for almost 20 years, the New York Times has covered Supreme Court fights with a heavy finger on the scales of justice, tipping the balance. The Times ...

David Leonhardt Gives Paul Ryan's Conservative Budget Plan Due Respect

The paper's main economics writer (and tax-hike supporter) finds Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan "credible" and credits him for offering specifics. By contrast, Times economics columnist/partisan ...

Barbaro: NY State GOP Candidate Paladino's 'Outrage-Filled Campaign' Full of Tea Party Sleazebags

Michael Barbaro on the "tainted past" of Carl Paladino's Tea Party staffers: "And the issue highlights a growing problem across the country for the Tea Party, which has backed Mr. Paladino: the ...

Spinning for the 'Revived' Lisa Murkowski Candidacy on the Front Page

A thin front-page story spun hard for moderate Republican Lisa Murkowski's write-in campaign to retain her Alaska Senate seat: "So why do plenty of people here, from analysts to many rank-and-file ...

Times Devotes Entire Editorial Page to Attacking 'Pledge to America'

Is the Times scared? "The pledge takes the country backward - a place no one should want to go."

Oliver Stone Not Leftist Enough for Economics Writer Joe Nocera

"The greed that Mr. Stone so vividly conveyed in his first 'Wall Street' movie got completely out of hand. Much of the trading that went on in the prelude to the crisis was almost nihilistic, ...

Another Obama Press Release: 'With Part of Stimulus Act Expiring, Thousands Face Losing New Jobs'

Reporter Michael Cooper found no one to criticize an "effective" Obama-administration make-work program that paid the salaries of unemployed people for government and private-sector jobs: "Tens of ...

Director Kazan's 'Naming Names' Lumped in With Anti-Semitism, Murder

"Naming names" as bad as exploiting teen daughters and anti-Semitism? Arts reporter Randy Kennedy ponders the evils of exposing Communists and defenders of Stalinist tyranny: "Should we think 'On ...

The New York Times' Conveniently Timed Front-Page Fretting About GOP Fundraising Groups

Friday's front-page expose was only the latest in a series of front-page stories hammering Republican fundraising groups - and seemingly only Republican fundraising groups - as a promising ...

Conveniently Timed Front-Page Fretting About GOP Fundraising Groups

Friday's front-page expose was only the latest in a series of front-page stories hammering Republican fundraising groups - and seemingly only Republican fundraising groups - as a promising ...

Times Bashes 'GOP Pledge,' Just Like It Did the GOP's 'Contract With America' in 1994

Will the new "GOP Pledge" help Republicans in November? Of course not! Here's David Herszenhorn in a story originally headlined: Some Say G.O.P. Pledge to Voters Would Increase Deficit. "But even ...