Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Zernike Does It Again, Suggests Tea Party Opposition to Minimum Wage Racially Suspect

In Kate Zernike's world you might be a racist oppose minimum wage laws and other "safety net" programs. "Even if Tea Party members are right that any racist signs are those of ...

Times' Food-Hostile Food Writer Sees Vegetarianism as Solution to Everything

Mark Bittman sees a bleak future for global food needs: "Mr. Cribb is reporting on the fate of a planet whose resources have, in the last 200 years, been carelessly, even ruthlessly exploited for ...

Times Columnist Suggests Attack on Muslim Cabbie Related to Mosque Critics

Clyde Haberman attacked "the multisided anger over the proposed Muslim community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, a struggle that may or may not have influenced a man charged on ...

Running Scared? A Sour Times Editorial Hits GOP 'Insurgents From the Far Right'

Running scared? A sour, factless Times editorial lashes out at conservatives for being conservative: "Republican insurgents from the far right did well in Tuesday's primaries. What their campaigns ...

Times Holds 'Fringe' Florida Preacher Responsible for Hypothetical Islamic Terrorist Attack

Reporter Damien Cave finds someone besides the terrorists to blame for a hypothetical act of future Islamic terrorism: "An Islamic group in England has also incorporated his efforts into a YouTube ...

Former Reporter Timothy Egan Takes On Rush, Fox, McCain, etc....

In a scattershot column attacking all manner of Republican, former reporter Timothy Egan blames an old enemy, Rush Limbaugh, for the popularity of the rumor that Obama is a Muslim: "In the ...

Oops: Sen. Lisa Murkowski's 'Comfortable Lead Heading Into the Primary' Not Really Panning Out

Damien Cave assumes too much in Alaska: "...Senator Lisa Murkowski also faced an insurgent candidate, the Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, but after outspending him significantly she appeared to ...

Stolberg Snobby About Anti-Mosque Opinions Outside Manhattan

In a Times podcast, reporters suggest racism is partially to blame for Obama's bad poll numbers, and Sheryl Gay Stolberg says that the hicks in the sticks don't understand the mosque project at ...

The New York Times Gets Tautological with Tom DeLay

Huh? From a New York Times editorial excoriating former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay: "Mr. DeLay, the Texas Republican who had been the House majority leader, crowed that he had been 'found ...

The Times Gets Tautological with Tom DeLay

Huh? "Mr. DeLay, the Texas Republican who had been the House majority leader, crowed that he had been 'found innocent.' But many of Mr. DeLay's actions remain legal only because lawmakers have ...

Anti-Mosque Protesters Guilty of Fomenting Muslim Extremism, Says the NYT

Scott Shane raises the stakes, accusing Newt Gingrich and others of fomenting radicalism overseas by their opposition to the building of a mosque close to Ground Zero.

Frank Rich Hits Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire as 'Islamophobia Command Center'

Frank Rich complains that the "Islamophobia command center" of Rupert Murdoch's media empire (including Fox News, the New York Post, and the Wall Street Journal) has been spreading lies about the ...

The Times Rushes to Defend Ground Zero Imam

Reporter Anne Barnard (with reporting help from a former CAIR lobbyist) runs interference for imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, sponsor of the secretive mosque project near Ground Zero: "...a host of ...

Times Faults Rick Lazio for Mosque Opposition, Downplays Firefighter Protests

The Times suggested Republican Rick Lazio was doing something unseemly in his popular opposition to the mosque at Ground Zero, and downplayed firefighter opposition to the mosque at a Ground Zero ...

More Flimflammery from Pompous Paul Krugman: No 'Ad Hominem' Attacks Here!

Krugman has an announcement for his credulous Times readers: Constantly (and embarrassingly) calling a serious conservative politician a "flimflam" man is not an ad hominem attack; accurately ...

'Nativist Impulse' Behind Conservative Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque, Says NYT Writer

New York Times political writer and columnist Matt Bai attacked as "nativist impulse" conservative protest against a mosque at Ground Zero and Republican attempts to deny citizenship to children ...

'Nativist Impulse' Behind Conservative Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Matt Bai attacked as nativist impulse conservative protest against a mosque at Ground Zero and attempts to deny citizenship to children born of illegals building a mosque near Ground Zero. To make ...

The Times Still Can't Find the Answer (Coalition)

For the second time in under a month the Times runs photos from a protest without identifying the two hard-left groups in the picture: The Stalinist ANSWER coalition and the anti-war Code Pink.

Zing! Paul Krugman Says Rep. Paul Ryan's 'Drenched in Flimflam Sauce' - But Own Source Disputes Him

The economist turned left-wing talking points parrot shows his way with an incisive insult by mocking conservative Republican budget-whiz Rep. Paul Ryan as a "flimflam man" whose work is "drenched ...

Gail Collins Goes After John Boehner, Joe the Plumber, and Pool-Hall Owners

Watch as the Times' columnist, in a full-force snob-a-thon, exposes the self-evident silliness of plumbers, pool-hall owners, and the majority of Missourians opposed to Obama-care.