Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

NYT Magazine Cover Story Tries (and Fails) to Make Acceptance of Abortion Mainstream

An editor at First Things sees through the Times 8,000-word cover story by pro-choice writer Emily Bazelon: "...the article's optimism for increased abortion acceptance in mainstream America is at ...

Tom Friedman Defends 'Complex' Hezbollah Terror Leader Fadlallah, the Alan Alda of the Middle East

Friedman glosses over Hezbollah founder Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah's support for suicide bombers and ignores evidence of Fadlallah's blessing of the bombing of a Marine barracks in Lebanon that ...

Shame That 'Compelling Evidence' Lincoln Was Gay Won't Make It Into Texas Textbooks

The Times' answer to the educational culture wars: "Perhaps a big, gay dance party is what it will take to help the intractable sides find common ground."

Frank Rich Rehashes 'Sadomasochist' Smear Against 'Passion of the Christ,' Buries Social Conservatism

Frank Rich put his original "sadomasochist" attack on "The Passion of the Christ" in someone else's mouth, and kept this box office prediction stuffed down the memory hole: "Indeed, it's hard to ...

Matt Bai Makes Up 'Hateful 25-Year-Olds' Hurling 'Racial Slurs' at Tea Party Rallies

Matt Bai passes along a discredited liberal myth from March: "The question of racism in the amorphous Tea Party movement is, of course, a serious one, since so much of the Republican Party seems ...

Christians: Surprising Allies In the Fight for Amnesty! Just Like They Were Three Years Ago

Laurie Goodstein today: "At a time when the prospects for immigration overhaul seem most dim, supporters have unleashed a secret weapon: a group of influential evangelical Christian leaders." A ...

Win for Privacy in Arizona; Randal Archibold Oddly Underwhelmed

Randal Archibold's story on a win for privacy rights in Arizona doesn't match the tone of his articles on how frightened illegal immigrants are of the state's new immigration law: "The state...has ...

Kevin Sack Writes About 'Heterosexist Language and Customs' in a News Story on Gay Weddings

Kevin Sack on the gay couple behind the online gay wedding planning mag Legally Wed: "The magazine includes a consumer guide to vendors who are practiced in avoiding heterosexist language and ...

Times Glad 'Wide-Eyed Admiration' for Wall Street Is Over

In Friday's lead, Binyamin Appelbaum and David Herszenhorn welcome re-regulation by Congress over financial markets: "The government watched and did nothing as the bulk of financial activity moved ...

What? G.O.P. Misses Liberal Sen. Chafee's 'Traditional Notion of Fiscal Responsibility'

New York Times writer Matt Bai salutes political hero Lincoln Chafee, liberal Republican senator turned independent candidate for governor of Rhode Island, for his "more traditional notion of ...

NYT Standards: Privacy for Illegal Immigrants, But Not for Prop 8 Donors?

New York Times reporter Kirk Johnson overheats on the front page: "A list of 1,300 Utah residents described as illegal immigrants has sown fear among some Hispanics here, and prompted an ...

What? G.O.P. Misses Liberal Sen. Chafee's 'Traditional Notion of Fiscal Responsibility'

Matt Bai salutes political hero Lincoln Chafee, liberal Republican senator turned independent candidate for governor of Rhode Island, for his "more traditional notion of fiscal responsibility" and ...

NYT Standards: Privacy for Illegal Immigrants, But Not for Prop 8 Donors?

Reporter Kirk Johnson overheats on the front page: "A list of 1,300 Utah residents described as illegal immigrants has sown fear among some Hispanics here, and prompted an investigation into its ...

'Bellicose' Bloggers Against 'Monument to Religious Tolerance' (i.e., a Mosque) at Ground Zero

The Times makes a lot of positive but unsubstantiated assumptions about a Muslim community center and mosque scheduled for construction at Ground Zero, where thousands were murdered in the name of ...

Times Enviro-Blogger Confident Climategate Is Discredited

Andrew Revkin tells his readers not to worry about a pro-global warming government scientist expressing the desire to "beat the [expletive] out of" a prominent climate skeptic, and puts blame on ...

A Friendly Curtain Call for Arnold Schwarzenegger, Disappointing Republican Governor

Reporter Jennifer Stienhauer cheers on California liberal Republican governor: "Mr. Schwarzenegger's accomplishments - particularly as a Republican in an ever-blue state - have been significant, ...

A Frisking 'Frenzy' in NYC, But Only Times Reporters Seem to Care

Both former police officers and residents react nonchalantly to the NYPD's supposedly overzealous "stop-and-frisk" tactics in one of New York City's most dangerous neighborhoods. It's the second ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez a 'Good-Hearted Man of the People'

Plus: Democrats and double standards: Robert Byrd vs. Jesse Helms, plus the brilliant, funny, warm, and witty Elena Kagan.

Elena Kagan a 'Brilliant Woman...Who Is Also Very Funny and Warm and Witty'

Plus: Democrats and Double Standards

'Scrappy' Harry Reid 'Giddy' at Having Found 'Right Opponent' in Nutty Sharron Angle

Reporter Adam Nagourney sounds "just a little bit giddy" about Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid's allegedly improving prospects for re-election in Nevada against Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle.