Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
10/27/2008 11:32 AM ET
David Kirkpatrick on McCain: "His campaign has pelted his rival with attacks that make some of his old advisers wince, like questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism or tying him to 'a domestic terrorist.'"
10/24/2008 2:54 PM ET
More vital info from the paper of record: "The blog,, fueled the speculation by e-mailing the Witthuhns a video of Ms. Kline, and Mr. Witthuhn said he was 'pretty sure it's her! ...
10/24/2008 2:39 PM ET
Hey, he's got to be better than Bruce Springsteen...
10/24/2008 12:01 PM ET
Please: "Senator John McCain of Arizona has retreated farther and farther to the fringe of American politics, running a campaign on partisan division, class warfare and even hints of racism."
10/23/2008 2:54 PM ET
The hard-news Times even compiled a slide show of Palin's outfit, complete with snarky commentary: "But looking at the before-and-after photos, it was not readily apparent what Ms. Palin got from ...
10/23/2008 2:07 PM ET
Reporter Larry Rohter uses a National Council of La Raza spokeswoman to bolster his thesis - the same spokeswoman who this year called for a "hate speech" ban on Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs for ...
10/23/2008 12:35 PM ET
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky looks vulnerable, and the Times piles on. But the paper also led the cheers enthusiasm for a Kentucky Democrat in 2003, and the GOP won easily.
10/22/2008 1:38 PM ET
A stern Editors' Note admits that a Times writer "distorted the survey's findings to fit his theme, contrary to The Times's standards of integrity."
10/22/2008 12:38 PM ET
Question for reporter Larry Rohter (pictured): If Biden says the exact same thing about an inexperienced Obama being tested by an international crisis on two consecutive days, just how ...
10/21/2008 2:44 PM ET
A tale of two mailings: One reporter revels in the the AFL-CIO's big political push against McCain, while another laments ", harsh anti-Obama literature in my mailbox."
10/21/2008 1:49 PM ET
Even Dan Rather recognizes it's a big story - but the Times buried it under a separate headline.
10/21/2008 10:39 AM ET
Reporter Michael Cooper, still protecting Barack Obama's left flank on taxes.
10/21/2008 7:25 AM ET
Charles Blow (pictured) is awfully confident in a Barack Obama victory: "If I'm wrong, I'll take my crow with a six pack of Liquid-Plumr."
10/20/2008 2:50 PM ET
Why the conservative crackup? Reporter Patricia Cohen cites evangelicals: "...the disillusioned commentary of credentialed conservatives like Mr. Will, Mr. Buckley and Mr. Krauthammer may be the ...
10/20/2008 12:42 PM ET
...but Clark Hoyt then cited a report saying "a link between reporters' political beliefs and news coverage has never been convincingly established."
10/20/2008 10:41 AM ET
Reporter Jodi Kantor aimed for a hit piece on Cindy McCain, but fawned over Michelle Obama.
10/17/2008 4:04 PM ET
Don't cross our favorite candidate or this may happen to you: "As it turns out, Joe the Plumber...may work in the plumbing business, but he is not a licensed plumber....His full name is Samuel J. ...
10/17/2008 3:25 PM ET
Southern-based reporter Adam Nossiter unloads his racial baggage on the state's U.S. Senate race: "The numbers in this state - which has perhaps the most racially polarized electorate in the ...
10/17/2008 12:51 PM ET
Plus: Terrorist Bill Ayers, Shady Financier Charles Keating Morally Equivalent?"
10/17/2008 10:23 AM ET
Edward Pound interviewed Iseman for National Journal: "Iseman says she answered every question put to her by The Times, but that the newspaper 'chose to disregard' many of her answers."