Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
7/28/2008 2:16 PM ET
The media actually cites the restrictions on photos of dead soldiers as an excuse for the decline in its Iraq coverage. But is this just an anti-war position packaged as a press freedom issue?
7/28/2008 1:20 PM ET
Bumiller puts John McCain on the defensive in a foreign policy clash of wills, with "pragmatists" and realists on one side and "conservatives" and "neoconservatives" on the other.
7/28/2008 12:19 PM ET
"On Thursday evening in a glittering Berlin, cheered by as many as 200,000 people, Mr. Obama delivered a tone poem to American and European ideals and shared history. In contrast, just before he ...
7/25/2008 10:34 AM ET
Greenhouse, a Times reporter who marched for abortion rights and told a Harvard audience the Bush administration had undertaken a "hijacking of public policy by religious fundamentalism," has ...
7/24/2008 1:17 PM ET
"Can Leah Daughtry Bring Faith to the Party?" The Times certainly hopes so, and forgives her creationist views.
7/24/2008 10:08 AM ET
The Times lets the left-wing blogosphere redefine "traditional media" and put the badge of shame on Fox News while citing Keith Olbermann as an objective source.
7/23/2008 1:57 PM ET
"Mr. McCain also displayed the bumpy and sometimes hapless nature of his own effort to prove that he is the candidate with the sterling foreign policy credentials."
7/23/2008 11:25 AM ET
Alessandra Stanley misses the obvious: "But it's not pro-Obama bias in the news media that's driving the effusion of coverage, it's the news: Mr. Obama's weeklong tour of war zones and foreign ...
7/23/2008 9:56 AM ET
The left-leaning Columbia Journalism Review concluded that the Times' "tenuous arguments about newsworthiness" served "only to feed the paper's reputation as a vehicle for thinly veiled liberal bias."
7/22/2008 2:52 PM ET
This time, Rohter defends Obama against a McCain ad that blames him for rising gas prices: "'Pump' is misleading on nearly every substantive point."
7/22/2008 2:35 PM ET
Gloomy Gus economic reporter Louis Uchitelle devotes a lead story to women "victims" of the economy - but are they really that bad off?
7/22/2008 1:49 PM ET
Michael Slackman forwards loaded language from Muslims in Amman: "The United States, many said, may be a biased supporter of Zionism hostile to Muslims..." And the Times now finds use of Obama's ...
7/21/2008 3:31 PM ET
In his latest free-markets-are-failing analysis, economics reporter Peter Goodman chides U.S. policymakers' "swaggering pride in the cutthroat but lucrative form of capitalism" in America.
7/21/2008 3:21 PM ET
Did Max Cleland really lose "his bid for a second term in 2002 after a Republican television advertisement depicted him as unpatriotic." Watch the ad for yourself and decide.
7/21/2008 2:52 PM ET
The Times isn't about to give John McCain a break, setting stringent standards before it will take a pro-surge op-ed from him, even though it printed Obama's pro-withdrawal op-ed last week.
7/18/2008 12:33 PM ET
Greenhouse finds Justice Kennedy's jurisprudence sexist when it uphelds a ban on a gruesome abortion procedure - but likes it when it upholds gay rights.
7/18/2008 11:41 AM ET
The Times, a supporter of universal health care, wonders if "wasteful" medicines and "expensive" new medical procedures are worth "a few months" - or even five years - of extra life.
7/17/2008 3:37 PM ET
Who needs an agent when you have the NYT? Another left-wing Air America alum gets the star treatment, courtesy of reporter Jacques Steinberg.
7/17/2008 2:44 PM ET
Would a Times reporter respond as respectfully after an attack from a Republican?
7/17/2008 1:51 PM ET
Shades of bias: Obama and the Times mutter the same liberal lines about the plight of illegal immigrants cowering "in the shadows."