Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
12/11/2007 3:02 PM ET
A front-page story on the GOP's "Hispanic debate" did its best to portray the GOP as angry foes of illegal immigrants.
12/11/2007 2:48 PM ET
Nicholas Kulish wonders if a potential NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo will be hurt by "a distracted and overstretched American military...."
12/9/2007 6:55 PM ET
Gloomy Peter Goodman: "The nation gained a modest 94,000 jobs in November...pulling back considerably from the previous month in the clearest sign yet that the American economy was headed for a ...
12/7/2007 8:40 AM ET
More from Editor Bill Keller's Liberal Lecture, Plus: How Dare Bush Not Negotiate with Terrorist Leader Arafat
12/7/2007 8:11 AM ET
Bill O'Reilly didn't hold back his opinion of Times Executive Editor Bill Keller.
12/6/2007 1:10 PM ET
In its front-page story on the subprime housing "crisis," the Times ignores conservative concerns and embraces the issue as a political game - one the liberal Democrats are sure to win.
12/5/2007 2:27 PM ET
A front-page story on Al Franken's run for Senate skipped the controversies over Air America and Franken's "joke" about executing Karl Rove, Lewis Libby and President Bush.
12/5/2007 1:47 PM ET
Relegating the indictment of a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser to a brief story, without a byline and with a boring headline.
12/5/2007 9:22 AM ET
Times Executive Editor Bill Keller proudly states of his paper: "We do not work in the service of a party, or an industry, or even a country" and went after "hate-mongering radio broadcasts."
12/4/2007 12:57 PM ET
Patricia Cohen lumps in an apparent fabulist at TNR with unconfirmed reporting at NRO: "Tough days for The New Republic and a rival, National Review."
12/4/2007 10:34 AM ET
Peter Goodman got front-page play for his report on an "ailing economy" "imperiled by the crumbling housing market." But 3rd quarter GDP was 4.9%, highest in four years.
12/3/2007 1:43 PM ET
"Last year's race was a virtual tie, but electoral officials determined that the conservative candidate, Felipe Calderón, had edged out a left-wing populist, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, by ...
12/3/2007 1:17 PM ET
The Times' Kim Severson brings the nanny-state approach to the school snack bar, celebrating the fight against "the mountain of high-calorie snacks and sodas available to schoolchildren."
12/1/2007 1:00 PM ET
The Times gets blunt with Giuliani: "All of these statements are incomplete, exaggerated or just plain wrong." Has Hillary or any other Democrat ever been "just plain wrong"?
11/30/2007 11:31 AM ET
Another holiday season, another "critical shortage" of food at food banks - just like the liberal media has claimed for the last two decades.
11/28/2007 2:28 PM ET
Those lying Feds? "But, to the dismay of many of Greenport's 2,500 residents, the raid here did not match [Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer Julie Myers'] words."
11/28/2007 2:17 PM ET
One concern: Will they get over their old-fashioned ideas and vote for a woman president?
11/27/2007 1:16 PM ET
The Times reverts to old habits as another round of peace talks get under way, blaming Israel for recalcitrance and glossing over Palestinian terrorism.
11/27/2007 12:53 PM ET
Is Social Security in trouble or not? For alleged economist Paul Krugman, it depends on whether a Democrat or Republican is saying it. A liberal columnist for the Washington Post zaps him with his ...
11/26/2007 3:56 PM ET
As the 2008 election approaches, the Times uses the image of a sinking red "RECE$$ION" to communicate a fear that is so far only a phantom menace.