Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
7/27/2007 1:26 PM ET
The "populist" is calling for higher taxes on those making over $200,000 a year.
7/26/2007 1:28 PM ET
The Times actually did another poll and got the same result. Would the Times have questioned the apparent anomaly if it had gone the other way?
7/26/2007 1:10 PM ET
The Times helps animal-rights groups into the mainstream. And bonus stupidity from actress Cameron Diaz.
7/26/2007 11:38 AM ET
The Times goes English-only? A business reporter bashes McDonald's for advertising its new giant soft drink in several languages.
7/25/2007 10:09 AM ET
Executive Editor Bill Keller says criticism of his paper's coverage of the Duke lacrosse case has "in some instances been unfair to the point of hysteria." But former Public Editor Daniel Okrent ...
7/24/2007 1:43 PM ET
Theatre critic Ben Brantley reviews a play by left-wing playwright Harold Pinter and dutifully places Pinter's anti-Bush backstory at center stage.
7/24/2007 12:14 PM ET
A glowing profile of the Edwards' campaign: "Surrounding him were about 100 voters, all seated on outdoor chairs provided by the local Congregational church, in a scene that could not have been ...
7/24/2007 11:34 AM ET
Nina Bernstein sobs: "It was part of a raid that has complicated, but not defeated, this city's novel plan to bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows."
7/23/2007 3:03 PM ET
Apparently, racist police brutality began and ended in New York City with Mayor Rudy Giuliani. And when did hatemonger Al Sharpton earn the right to comment on anyone else's failures to attain ...
7/23/2007 9:46 AM ET
Faced with a black athlete as a suspect and an alleged rape victim who is white, the Times displays a concern for "racial overtones" totally absent in its shoddy coverage of the Duke lacrosse ...
7/22/2007 8:08 PM ET
Plus: Low taxes cause child abuse and a "charismatic" terrorist leader
7/20/2007 12:13 PM ET
For the third Friday in a row, reporter Robin Finn "Public Lives" profile celebrated a liberal activist, sidestepping such journalistic niceties as balance.
7/19/2007 1:06 PM ET
The Times dreads the prospect of Rupert Murdoch taking over its rival.
7/19/2007 11:45 AM ET
Balance, NYT style: The GOP is trying to appeal to "conservatives," while Democrat John Edwards is free to cite the "imposing historical figure" of Bobby Kennedy without being called a liberal.
7/19/2007 8:17 AM ET
Never worked for a living? "You haven't missed a thing." Wild coincidence, or self-serving Kennedy family folklore?
7/18/2007 12:59 PM ET
The Times' Muslim-beat reporter writes like a pro-Muslim advocate: "For American Muslims, whose religion stipulates that they give 2.5 percent of their annual income to charity, the shuttering of ...
7/17/2007 1:45 PM ET
A poll from Rasmussen Reports finds the Times "the only media outlet that liberals are more likely to see as having a liberal bias than a conservative bias."
7/17/2007 1:41 PM ET
Erlanger: The anti-Israeli terrorist Hamas is "in its way, pragmatic," the Palestinian terrorist leader Yasir Arafat was a "charismatic man," and Israel and the U.S. are responsible for the ...
7/16/2007 9:10 PM ET
"[Sen. David Vitter's] admission is also a blow to the presidential campaign of Rudolph W. Giuliani, for whom he is Southern campaign chairman." But when the mayor of L.A., one of Hillary's ...
7/16/2007 11:51 AM ET
Whatever happened to old-fashioned journalistic back-scratching? The Times again reviews two recent Hillary bios, and again its guest critic prefers one by former Washington Post Watergate legend ...