Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
8/10/2007 12:59 PM ET
Political correctness reigns in the Times' movie review section.
8/10/2007 11:40 AM ET
The Times threw around "conservative" ten times in a story on pro-life opposition to Mitt Romney, but "liberal" wasn't uttered in a story on gay marriage questions at the Democrats "gay debate."
8/9/2007 1:20 PM ET
The Times runs a pro-illegal immigrant story and quotes the pollster behind it as saying "Mexican immigrants don't feel welcome in the U.S. anymore" - but fails to point out he's also part of ...
8/8/2007 1:47 PM ET
Alex Kotlowitz: "Over the past two years, more than 40 local and state governments have passed ordinances and legislation aimed at making life miserable for illegal immigrants in the hope that ...
8/8/2007 9:46 AM ET
John Burns also thinks that the Iraq mission may have been doomed from the start, but thinks things will get much worse there if the U.S. leaves.
8/7/2007 2:31 PM ET
Jim Rutenberg: "Democratic memories are still fresh with attacks Mr. Bush used in 2004 against Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, a presidential rival he portrayed as 'weak on terror.' That Mr. ...
8/7/2007 11:56 AM ET
Marc Santora: "Tough is a brand all the Republican candidates want to own as they run for president. Tough on terrorism, tough on crime, tough on Democrats. But Representative Tom Tancredo, ...
8/7/2007 10:12 AM ET
Times journalist Jane Perlez goes after journalists - from the left: "As her country hovers on the precipice of chaos, Ms. Lodhi, the high commissioner of Pakistan in Britain, holds down the fort ...
8/6/2007 2:36 PM ET
Mainstreaming the Kossacks: "In fact, the online 'progressive movement' led now by people like Mr. Moulitsas, a former Republican and U.S. Army veteran, has become much more acceptable and ...
8/6/2007 12:45 PM ET
The Times calls itself one of the GOP's "favorite targets" in response to a mild crack from Rudy Giuliani about the paper's anti-war stance.
8/3/2007 9:54 AM ET
Plus: John Edwards as the new JFK and Andrew Sullivan, conservative?
8/2/2007 11:55 AM ET
Plus: Andrew Sullivan, "conservative"? Since when?
8/1/2007 1:00 PM ET
Robert Pear thinks the GOP should just give up on stopping the expansion of a federal health care program for children.
8/1/2007 12:26 PM ET
Marc Santora claimed "Mr. Giuliani cited horror stories and selective statistics" when talking about health care. No Democrat would ever do that, of course.
8/1/2007 11:29 AM ET
Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse: "Could adversity temper a jurisprudence that critics of the chief justice have discerned as bloodless and unduly distant from the messy reality of the ...
7/31/2007 12:40 PM ET
The Times helps repurpose anti-Vietnam War agitprop for Iraq in "Giving New Life To Protests Of Yore."
7/31/2007 11:12 AM ET
In a story on local governments' abuse of eminent domain, the Times neglects to mention the NYT Co.'s own apparent abuse - its new Times Square headquarters.
7/31/2007 9:09 AM ET
Non-journalism junkies need not apply.
7/30/2007 1:51 PM ET
A reminder of hypocrisy at the Times.
7/30/2007 11:36 AM ET
Chief movie critic A.O. Scott gives a big thumbs-up to an anti-war documentary, recommending it to the White House: "One can only hope that one of these days they'll get around to watching it."