Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
5/1/2007 1:37 PM ET
Neil MacFarquhar finds a new passport design 'rife' with patriotic imagery.
5/1/2007 11:03 AM ET
In a turnabout, the Times mocks protestors in Turkey calling for less religion in public life: "Some concerns were snobbish: religious Turks were uneducated and poor, their pesky prayer rugs got ...
4/30/2007 3:25 PM ET
The Times has yet to correct its false timeline of the incident, even while quoting the North Carolina Attorney General's report that shows it's wrong.
4/30/2007 1:12 PM ET
Reporter Mark Leibovich isn't quite as kind to conservative Republicans as he is to liberal Democrats like Sen. Dodd.
4/27/2007 1:15 PM ET
A member of the Times' editorial board (and former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union) says the Supreme Court's ruling on the Partial Birth Abortion Act uses "junk science" and has an ...
4/27/2007 1:03 PM ET
Neil MacFarquhar on a Muslim community in Lodi that was home to a man convicted of providing material support for terrorism: "The tide of fear rolled in and has never quite receded..." Fear of the ...
4/27/2007 11:35 AM ET
A Times' poll assumes "global warming" is happening and caused by human activity like driving.
4/26/2007 1:28 PM ET
"It is the gun lobby's incessant efforts to weaken the gun laws that makes a tragedy like the one at Virginia Tech possible."
4/26/2007 11:05 AM ET
The Times doesn't deliver the full Rosie: "Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers."
4/26/2007 10:34 AM ET
James McKinley Jr. repeats liberal talking points: "For older women, the vote represented a long overdue recognition of their plight."
4/26/2007 9:22 AM ET
Dexter Filkins' tribute to a Vietnam War reporter: "During four years of war in Iraq, American reporters on the ground in Baghdad have often found themselves coming under criticism remarkably ...
4/25/2007 12:25 PM ET
They were happier under Saddam? "But the Adhamiya wall...has fast become a metaphor for the cumulative resentment that Iraqis feel about the violence and disruption of daily life that have brought ...
4/25/2007 12:10 PM ET
A Times political reporter writes: Please forgive me for helping Bush in 2004. "Our story may have had the result of not only previewing what the Bush campaign intended to do, but, by introducing ...
4/25/2007 9:43 AM ET
Last year, the Times publisher labeled gay marriage a "fundamental human right." This week, the editorial page seconded that emotion.
4/24/2007 12:56 PM ET
Former Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent called the Times' coverage "heartbreaking."
4/24/2007 10:54 AM ET
Republicans "railed against illegal immigrants" and push an "increasingly restrictive view." And "Giuliani is a long way from Ellis Island."
4/24/2007 10:21 AM ET
The Times confidently and self-righteously declares torture doesn't produce valuable information - but gave an example in which it may have.
4/23/2007 3:12 PM ET
Barney Calame keeps the gloves on in his criticism of the paper, but does offer some insights (and some mea culpas) about why the paper was so willing to think there was a rape case to be made. ...
4/23/2007 1:55 PM ET
Reporter Erik Eckholm finds a familiar culprit for an increase in black infant mortality in Mississippi: "The setbacks have raised questions about the impact of cuts in welfare and ...
4/20/2007 12:52 PM ET
Plus a couple from Paul Krugman, and Whitewater bias in the Travel section.