Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
2/13/2007 3:13 PM ET
Executive Editor Bill Keller: "...the government has no particular interest in telling you if they're doing something that's illegal or abusive. That's why we exist."
2/13/2007 2:52 PM ET
News you can use? Among Felicia Lee's big scoops in her flattering article about black radio talk show host Tom Joyner: Mr. Joyner's show blends such interviews with radio staples like news, ...
2/13/2007 1:52 PM ET
The awards...ended a desolate period in which their music was boycotted and banned by country music stations, their CDs were burned and smashed, and group member's lives were threatened."
2/13/2007 11:12 AM ET
Barney Calame on the Times' controversial claim that "51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse": "It was discouraging to find yet another article with an unusual angle that didn't seem to ...
2/12/2007 3:16 PM ET
How sweet: "After death threats, boycotts and a cold shoulder from the country music establishment, the Dixie Chicks gained sweet vindication Sunday night...."
2/9/2007 3:04 PM ET
Plus: Advertising Writer Stuart Elliott is hearing things.
2/9/2007 1:52 PM ET
The Times puts the controversy over Edwards' campaign bloggers Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan on the front page, but leaves plenty of room to relay weak left-wing charges against McCain blog ...
2/9/2007 1:25 PM ET
Carl Hulse issues a predictable defense of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
2/8/2007 1:40 PM ET
Philip Shenon puffs partisan Democratic liberal Rep. Henry Waxman, the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which will apparently become subpoena central in the new ...
2/8/2007 1:02 PM ET
Retired Timesman William Stevens doesn't have much doubt about global warming, and even brings Hurricane Katrina into the apocalyptic picture: "The awakening has been energized largely by dramatic ...
2/8/2007 12:50 PM ET
Zeleny repeats Democrat spin that it's Republicans who are blocking debate in the Senate regarding Bush's troop increase, while Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid refuses to allow votes on two ...
2/8/2007 12:33 PM ET
Steven Weisman goes to his favorite deficit "Cassandra," Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad. Plus more "deep cuts" that are actually slowdowns in spending growth.
2/7/2007 3:28 PM ET
"Nowadays, many dramas obliquely echo the public's disenchantment with their government after Abu Ghraib and the quagmire in Iraq."
2/7/2007 12:31 PM ET
The Times spins for Democrats: "In Senate, G.O.P. Blocks A Debate Over Iraq Policy."
2/7/2007 12:06 PM ET
The Times has made an annual tradition of finding mostly nonexistent "deep cuts" in Bush's "austere" multi-trillion dollar budget proposals.
2/6/2007 2:12 PM ET
Understatement of the week, from reporter Steven Weisman: "Still, not everyone in the [Democratic] party is a deficit hawk."
2/6/2007 12:41 PM ET
Sheryl Gay Stolberg on Bush: "From the outset of his presidency, Mr. Bush treated the Republican-run Congress like a tool at his disposal."
2/6/2007 12:18 PM ET
The Times gets tough: "The editors would not have published the article if they had been aware of these errors." And just what was this grievous offense?
2/5/2007 2:19 PM ET
Senators McCain and Hagel, two of Bush's prominent critics, get a flattering closeup.
2/5/2007 1:42 PM ET
Is the Times trying out a new code phrase to avoid applying the kiss-of-death term "liberal" to another Democratic presidential candidate?