Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
2/5/2007 1:25 PM ET
The Times' advertising writer: "Then, too, there was the unfortunate homonym at the heart of a commercial from Prudential Financial, titled 'What Can a Rock Do?' The problem with the spot, created ...
2/2/2007 2:32 PM ET
Clifford Krauss makes a strange word choice to describe record profits by the oil companies Exxon and Shell.
2/2/2007 2:26 PM ET
Economics reporter Vikas Bajaj puts forth his usual sunny outlook: "The road ahead promises to be a long, hard slog as corporate profits are starting to slow." Meanwhile, the higher-than-expected ...
2/2/2007 1:05 PM ET
Columnist Friedman says it was low oil prices that killed the Soviet Union, "not because of anything Ronald Reagan did."
2/2/2007 12:56 PM ET
The Times jumps to a pro-Democrat conclusion in its lead story on Florida replacing its touch-screen voting machines: "In Sarasota County last November, more than 18,000 voters who used ...
2/1/2007 2:21 PM ET
The Times "expresses regret that the family suffered distress."
2/1/2007 12:39 PM ET
The Times against twists the NSA terror surveillance program into "domestic surveillance."
2/1/2007 12:14 PM ET
The Times gives front-page play to Sen. Joe Biden's latest controversial statement, but gives him the benefit of the doubt that it was a simple mistake ("Oops!")
1/31/2007 11:52 AM ET
Cornelia Dean uses a left-wing report to hit the administration: "Under its new Democratic chairman, Representative Henry A. Waxman of California, the House Committee on Oversight and Government ...
1/31/2007 10:17 AM ET
The Times' labor reporter skips the inconvenient truth: Wal-Mart overpaid 215,000 employees over the last five years, but is not seeking to recover the money.
1/30/2007 12:46 PM ET
George Bush, new master of the verbal putdown?
1/30/2007 12:09 PM ET
Brit Hume led off his "Political Grapevine" by noting a Times Watch discovery: Two Times reporters who have appeared on Charlie Rose relayed personal opinions on the broadcast - but only the one ...
1/30/2007 11:30 AM ET
Strange, strained criticism of towering economist Milton Friedman: "Though Mr. Friedman's free-choice doctrine contributed to ending the draft in the 1970s, the film takes virtually no note of the ...
1/30/2007 9:43 AM ET
The Times' military correspondent got in hot water for advancing a personal opinion on the Iraq War on television. But what about liberal reporters who do the same?
1/30/2007 9:41 AM ET
A hate-crime prosecutor in Long Beach wins a case, but his lead witness is shown as dubious in the Times. That's not quite how the paper characterized the bearer of false witness in the Duke ...
1/29/2007 12:24 PM ET
According to the Times, an "anonymous smear" from Insight magazine was preceded by "a series of inaccurate or hard-to-verify articles on Insight." But the Times cited it last August to bolster a ...
1/29/2007 12:06 PM ET
Robin Toner: "For Ms. Pelosi, relentlessly caricatured by the Republicans last year as a hard-edged, tax-raising liberal, the image of mother and grandmother takes the edge off the ideological ...
1/26/2007 1:43 PM ET
Plus: Celebrating Al Sharpton's Style Sense and "Poignant Commentary" from Sen. James Webb
1/26/2007 11:32 AM ET
First Sen. Brownback, now Rep. Duncan Hunter - GOP presidential candidates who announce their candidacies are greeted in the Times with ideological ratings from the American Conservative Union. ...
1/26/2007 10:52 AM ET
Patrick Healy hits inflammatory Al Sharpton hard in his story on Sharpton's tour of Democratic presidential candidates: "The Rev. Al Sharpton, a man who says he knows a well-tailored suit from a ...