Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

NYT's SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Quotes Robert Frost to Shame Justices on AZ Immigration Law

Greenhouse: "....what finally came through as most deeply troubling was this: the failure of any participant in the argument, justice or advocate for either side, to affirm the simple ...
Media Research Center

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Reporter-Activist Justin Gillis's Climate Solution: Blind Panic

Plus, Times Public Editor confesses the paper "basked a bit in the warm glow of Mr. Obama’s election," Linda Greenhouse thinks Obama-care had a good day at the Supreme Court, and Gail Collins says ...
Media Research Center

Disgraced Democrat John Edwards, Still Man Without a Party in New York Times

Returning to usual form, the last two Times updates from the trial of two-time Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, charged with misusing campaign money to cover up an affair, ...
Media Research Center

Krugman's TV Blitz: 100% Debt OK, Paul Ryan's Budget Is 'Nonsense,' and Wall Street Guys 'Destroyed the World'

Times columnist Paul Krugman, doing a television blitz for his new book, doesn't mind massive debt, still hates Rep. Paul Ryan: "We talk about ourselves, Britain had debt that was well over 100% ...
Media Research Center

Times Hypes 'Damning Report' Against Murdoch's Media Empire: Four Front-Page Stories in Eight Days

The New York Times has an obsession with media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Anticipating a report from the British government, the Times went into overdrive with front-page stories attacking the ...
Media Research Center

Eric Lichtblau of NYTimes Tries Guilt by Association to Tie Wal-Mart to Trayvon Martin Shooting

Times tries guilt by association to tie Wal-Mart to the Trayvon Martin shooting: "....Wal-Mart was involved at least indirectly in the formulation of a controversial gun policy that was pushed ...
Media Research Center

Gillis Again Discredits Global Warming Skeptics, Who 'Plaster the Internet' While Having No 'Serious Credentials'

Times reporter Justin Gillis continues his unapologetic activism in support of fighting "climate change," referring to skeptics "who plaster the Internet with their writings" while "hardly any ...
Media Research Center

Parker Finds Rap on Romney as 'Dull and Vanilla' Unfair, But She Contributed to It in the NYTimes

Mitt Romney's campaign reporter for the Times, Ashley Parker, reviews the primary as it wind down: "...frankly, most of us who have been there since the beginning find the rap on Mr. Romney that ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Gail Collins Ignores Obama's Dog Dinners, Brings Up Romney's Crate-Gate, Wonders Why GOP Has 'Animal Issues'

New York Times columnist Gail Collins, back from vacation, and apparently oblivious to Obama's confession of dog eating, keeps harping on the ancient Crate-gate: "Did you ever notice how many of ...
Media Research Center

Romney Already Running Too Harsh a Campaign Against Obama, Chides New York Times

The campaign's just started, but already the Times finds Mitt Romney being too harsh on President Obama. Michael Barbaro writes: "Republicans have a message for Mitt Romney: it’s time to go ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Preston Again Points to Protests to Suggest AZ Immigration Law Unpopular, Ignoring Actual Poll Data

What Julia Preston reported in today's New York Times: "In Washington and around the country, protests against Arizona were far more numerous than public actions in support. Demonstrators in ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Preston Notes AZ Immigration Law 'Intensely Unpopular Among Latinos Nationwide,' But It's Very Popular Over All

New York Times reporter Julia Preston: "[Sen. Chuck] Schumer called the hearing as a showcase for the Democrats’ opposition to the law, which has been intensely unpopular among Latinos ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Jodi Kantor, Hagiographer of Michelle Obama, Sees Validity in Dems' 'War on Women' Slogan

Jodi Kantor sees validity in the Dems' "War on Women" slogan in an exchange on lefty MSNBC: " sort of seems like a Democratic strategist's dream, right? Like they were sitting in a room ...
Media Research Center

Public Editor Confesses: NYTimes 'Basked a Bit in the Warm Glow of Mr. Obama's Election'

New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admits: "Many critics view The Times as constitutionally unable to address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it basked ...
Media Research Center

Disgraced Pol John Edwards, Man Without a (Democratic) Party in the New York Times

The New York Times' Kim Severson field two stories and a video from the campaign finance trial of John Edwards without mentioning his party affiliation. It's an omission the paper rarely commits ...
Media Research Center

Cooper's Lede on Obama's Anti-Romney Attacks: 'So Long, Flip-Flopper. Hello, Right-Wing Extremist'

New York Times reporter Helene Cooper seemed comfortable broadcasting broad anti-Romney insults: "So long, flip-flopper. Hello, right-wing extremist. Mitt Romney may be inclined to start ...

NYTimes Twice Ties Right-Leaning ALEC to Trayvon Martin Case; 'Risks of Focusing on Social Issues'

Potraying social conservatism as a loser for the GOP, two Times stories (one on Sunday's front page) take on the right-leaning American Legislative Exchange Council for its extremely tenuous ties ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Media Reporter Stelter Takes Up Lefty Climate Cause

NYT media reporter Brian Stelter unleashes his inner climatologist in taking up a left-wing cause over a insufficiently alarmist documentary on global warming: "The vast majority of scientists ...
Media Research Center

Public Editor Confesses: NYT 'Basked a Bit in the Warm Glow of Mr. Obama's Election'

New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admits: "Many critics view The Times as constitutionally unable to address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it basked a ...
Media Research Center

Sarkozy Loss in France Could Mean Higher Taxes on the Rich in the United States?

Really? Steven Erlanger reports from the presidential campaign in France: "Growing inequality has become a hot-button topic across Europe, and if Mr. Hollande were to win, the move to impose ...