Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
5/3/2012 12:30 PM ET
Greenhouse: "....what
finally came through as most deeply troubling was this: the failure of
any participant in the argument, justice or advocate for either side, to
affirm the simple ...
5/3/2012 11:27 AM ET
Plus, Times Public Editor confesses the paper "basked a bit in the warm glow of Mr. Obama’s election," Linda Greenhouse thinks Obama-care had a good day at the Supreme Court, and Gail Collins says ...
5/3/2012 9:37 AM ET
Returning to usual form,
the last two Times updates from the trial of
two-time Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, charged with
misusing campaign money to cover up an affair, ...
5/2/2012 1:43 PM ET
Times columnist Paul Krugman, doing a television blitz for his new book, doesn't mind massive debt, still hates Rep. Paul Ryan: "We talk about ourselves, Britain
had debt that was well over 100% ...
5/2/2012 12:43 PM ET
The New York Times has an obsession with media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Anticipating a report from the British
government, the Times went into overdrive with
front-page stories attacking the ...
5/2/2012 12:20 PM ET
Times tries guilt by association to tie Wal-Mart to the Trayvon Martin shooting: "....Wal-Mart was involved at least indirectly in the formulation
of a controversial gun policy that was pushed ...
5/1/2012 12:27 PM ET
Times reporter Justin Gillis continues his unapologetic activism in support of fighting "climate change," referring to skeptics "who plaster the Internet with
their writings" while "hardly any ...
5/1/2012 7:01 AM ET
Mitt Romney's campaign reporter for the Times, Ashley Parker, reviews the primary as it wind down: "...frankly, most of us who have been there since the beginning
find the rap on Mr. Romney that ...
4/26/2012 11:09 AM ET
New York Times columnist Gail Collins, back from vacation, and apparently oblivious to Obama's confession of dog eating, keeps harping on the ancient Crate-gate: "Did you ever notice how many of ...
4/26/2012 10:31 AM ET
The campaign's just started, but already the Times finds Mitt Romney being too harsh on President Obama. Michael Barbaro writes: "Republicans have a message for Mitt Romney: it’s time to go ...
4/26/2012 9:49 AM ET
What Julia Preston reported in today's New York Times: "In Washington and around the
country, protests against Arizona were far more numerous than public
actions in support. Demonstrators in ...
4/25/2012 9:30 AM ET
New York Times reporter Julia Preston: "[Sen. Chuck] Schumer called the hearing as
a showcase for the Democrats’ opposition to the law, which has been
intensely unpopular among Latinos ...
4/25/2012 8:32 AM ET
Jodi Kantor sees validity in the Dems' "War on Women" slogan in an exchange on lefty MSNBC: " sort of seems like a Democratic strategist's dream, right?
Like they were sitting in a room ...
4/24/2012 3:53 PM ET
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admits: "Many critics view
The Times as constitutionally unable to
address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it
basked ...
4/24/2012 1:50 PM ET
The New York Times' Kim Severson field two stories and a video from the campaign finance trial of John Edwards without mentioning his party affiliation. It's an omission the paper rarely commits ...
4/24/2012 11:27 AM ET
New York Times reporter Helene Cooper seemed comfortable
broadcasting broad anti-Romney insults: "So long, flip-flopper. Hello, right-wing extremist. Mitt
Romney may be inclined to start ...
4/24/2012 9:32 AM ET
Potraying social conservatism as a loser for the GOP, two Times stories (one on Sunday's front page) take on the right-leaning American Legislative Exchange Council for its extremely tenuous ties ...
4/23/2012 1:43 PM ET
NYT media reporter Brian Stelter unleashes his inner climatologist in taking up a left-wing cause over a insufficiently alarmist documentary on global warming: "The
vast majority of scientists ...
4/23/2012 12:29 PM ET
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admits: "Many critics view The Times as constitutionally unable to
address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it
basked a ...
4/20/2012 12:59 PM ET
Really? Steven Erlanger reports from the presidential campaign in France: "Growing inequality has become a hot-button topic across Europe, and if
Mr. Hollande were to win, the move to impose ...