Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Rampell Wonders Where the Left-Wing Outrage Is Among Unemployed

Economics reporter Catherine Rampell: "And where, if anywhere, is the outrage?...Unlike the hard-pressed in, say, Greece or Spain, the jobless in America seem, well, subdued. The old fire has gone ...

'Collapsed Catholic' Bill Keller Praises Book Critical of Church for Cover of Sunday Book Review

Executive Editor Bill Keller on "Absolute Monarchs A History of the Papacy": "We get a disheartening chapter on Pius XI and Pius XII, whose fear of Communism (along with the church's long streak ...

Meet Barack Obama, Newly Minted Budget Hero

Suddenly, Barack Obama is a budgetary hero and Republicans are the timid ones. The opening to Mark Landler's front-page story: "President Obama tried on Sunday to revive the chances for a sweeping ...

Mangling Mitt Romney's 'Flip-Flop' on Economic Progress Under Obama

Fueled by Democratic press releases, the Times harps on an alleged flub by Republican front-runner Mitt Romney: "And in the past few days, [focus] has revolved around three words in particular: ...

Brooks' Vicious, Anti-GOP 'Mother of All No-Brainers' Column Gets Mother of All Corrections

Other than that, brilliant, Mr. David Brooks: "An earlier version of this column misstated the amount of revenue increases needed in exchange for spending cuts. It is a few hundred billion, not ...

Frank Rich Takes on 'Elitist' Obama From the Left

Former Times columnist Frank Rich snaps at Obama from the left, from the front of New York magazine: "The bigger political problem is that a far larger share of the American electorate views him ...

Magazine Cover Story Lauds Notorious Sex Columnist Dan Savage as 'Old-Fashioned' Mr. 'Family Values'

A Times Magazine cover story heralds the explicit sex-advice columnist and gay activist Dan Savage as a "devoted husband" and "proud father," while marking his "great contribution to family ...

Meet the Editor: Leftist, Elitist, Communist, Socialist Bill Keller

A reader responds to Bill Keller trashing Sarah Palin: "Had your fellow media colleagues given Barack Obama the same treatment as you have given Mrs. Palin, no one would care for him either." ...

NY Times Columnist David Brooks Outdoes Paul Krugman in Conservative Hate

The New York Times' idea of a "conservative" columnist accuses conservative Republicans: "The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency....But the members of this movement talk ...

David Brooks Out-Krugmans Paul Krugman in Conservative Hate

The Times' idea of a "conservative" columnist accuses conservative Republicans: "The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency. A nation makes a sacred pledge to pay the money back ...

Times Writer Links Legal Woes of Lance Armstrong, Roger Clemens to Ken Starr, Bushies

Times writer Jonathan Mahler ties it all together: "When the first Balco indictments were handed down in February 2004, they were trumpeted as a blow for democracy, the sports equivalent of the ...

Breaking News for the 4th: 'No Such Thing as a Healthy Hot Dog'

Happy Independence Day? "If there is no such thing as a healthy hot dog, how do you limit the damage at this weekend's weenie roast?"

Yet Another 'Fracking' Story on the Front Page: NYT Again Hits 'Reckless' Natural Gas Extraction

No love from the Times for Gov. Cuomo on this issue, anyway: "The Cuomo administration is seeking to lift what has effectively been a moratorium in New York State on hydraulic fracturing, a ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Keller Confesses: 'Most Journalists Would Recoil in Horror' From Palin Presidency

Plus Michael Shear longs to cover hard policy news, then spends the weekend going through Sarah Palin's old emails. Plus, anti-terrorist program wrecking reporter James Risen thinks "right-wing ...

Editor Keller Confesses: 'Most Journalists Would Recoil in Horror' From Palin Presidency

Plus: Michael Shear longs for hard political news, then spends the weekend going through Sarah Palin's old emails.

Times Again Strikes at Conservative Fla. Gov. Rick Scott, 'Remote and Uncaring'

Yes, and they're called "liberal Democrats: "And many voters have blanched at a number of [Florida Gov. Rick Scott's] legislative accomplishments, particularly a new state budget that puts ...

Times Warns Obama Twice from the Left on Gay Marriage, Casually Flips the Race Card

Sheryl Gay Stolberg on Obama's hesitation to fully endorse gay marriage: "His critics say that by invoking states' rights, the president - a former constitutional law professor and son of a black ...

Eckholm's Omissions: 'Fetal Pain' Not a Problem, Says Unlabeled Abortion Activists

Eric Eckholm's slanted story on fetal pain has some important omissions; two of his sources for medical research are either abortion advocates or abortion providers. Previously Eckholm had called ...

Hulse Keeps Hyping Pro-Dem Spin in Debt Limit Fight: Merely Seeking 'Revenues,' Not 'Tax Hikes'

Hulse, hemming and hawing around the forbidden phrase "tax increase," claim that Democrats are merely seeking "new federal tax revenue."

Two Leftist Dictatorships 'Infused With Revolutionary Zeal' That 'Revere Their Leaders'

Reporter Simon Romero: "To the many comparisons that can been made between Venezuela and Cuba - two close allies, both infused with revolutionary zeal, driven by movements that revere their ...