Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
5/31/2011 11:26 AM ET
Carl Hulse on sunny Democratic prospects for 2012: "But the victory in New York was galvanizing for Democrats, and for now at least has given them confidence that they can use Medicare to press ...
5/31/2011 9:22 AM ET
How sweet of the Times: "David Mamet explains his intellectual shift to the right. The far right." One of Andrew Goldman's questions to the acclaimed playwright: "Sometimes in the book I thought ...
5/27/2011 10:37 AM ET
Right-wing Truthers? "...the station canceled [Bill] Weinberg's program...after he accused WBAI of promoting fringe right-wing commentators and conspiracy theories claiming that the United States ...
5/27/2011 9:48 AM ET
The Times has certainly become more comfortable with the Patriot Act since the Bush administration: "Patriot Act Battle Could Hinder Investigators." But a 2005 story on extending a Patriot Act ...
5/26/2011 1:19 PM ET
From Jennifer Steinhauer's lead story: "But the last six weeks have left Republicans pointed into a something more like a headwind. With polls and angry town hall meetings suggesting that many ...
5/25/2011 11:13 PM ET
"Israelis See Netanyahu Trip as Diplomatic Failure" reads the headline over Ethan Bronner's slanted story from Jerusalem. He apparently means a failure among Israeli liberal newspaper columnists, ...
5/25/2011 7:07 PM ET
New York Times reporter Raymond Hernandez is quick to see "a blow to the national Republican Party" in the results of a special congressional election, confidently asserting the G.O.P.'s Medicare ...
5/25/2011 1:32 PM ET
Isn't that up to outlets like the Times? "What matters, they say, is that the Tiffany story is sticking to Mr. Gingrich, helping to define - or perhaps redefine - him in the critical early days of ...
5/25/2011 12:46 PM ET
Raymond Hernandez is quick to see "a blow to the national Republican Party" in the results of a special congressional election, confidently asserting the G.O.P.'s Medicare reform plan "appears to ...
5/24/2011 11:41 AM ET
The Times' Joseph Berger celebrates three left-wing parties, including the CPUSA, even using Communist lingo: "All three parties are finding the Internet to be a fruitful recruiting tool and ...
5/24/2011 9:27 AM ET
Eduardo Porter, former Times economics reporter turned editorial board member, whines about America's lack of "generosity and compassion," which he dubiously defines as America's relatively low ...
5/24/2011 8:27 AM ET
So much for objective journalism; in recent weeks the Times has embraced gay advocacy, culminating with the paper's online multi-media feature "Coming Out," introduced with a post, "Gay Teenagers, ...
5/23/2011 1:47 PM ET
Gail Collins grades Couric on a curve: "From my perspective as a charter of the progress of American women, Couric was a total success. The first great mandate for a First Woman is not to screw ...
5/23/2011 11:45 AM ET
Columnist Charles Blow predicts this summer will be a turning point that "may hinge largely on the callousness of conservatives...right-wing politicians have developed an unshakeable immunity to ...
5/23/2011 10:49 AM ET
Steven Lee Myers painted Israel's PM Netanyahu as stubborn in the face of Obama's reasonable "peace" offer: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel told President Obama on Friday that he ...
5/20/2011 10:26 AM ET
Um, that would be "damp squib," Mr. Brooks: "The Big Society started in part as a political gadget, as a way to distinguish the current Conservatives from the more individualistic ethos of the ...
5/19/2011 12:50 PM ET
From the Times' lead story: "Diplomatic momentum has been with the Palestinians for several years, with their leadership and requests viewed as reasonable and Mr. Netanyahu as unyielding....the ...
5/19/2011 11:53 AM ET
Gail Collins talks Schwarzenegger's love child on Rachel Maddow's show: "...there are people, a lot of people in the country who not only have very strong, you know, family values, but believe ...
5/18/2011 6:21 PM ET
New York Times reporter Matt Bai: "Is there a racial element to some of the attacks on President Obama? It's pretty hard to argue there isn't....The infamous Willie Horton ad that George Bush ...
5/18/2011 12:45 PM ET
A tale of two labels. Two Carl Hulse stories have featured the perjorative phrase "Big Oil" in their headlines; yet Hulse previously criticized the GOP for using the allegedly misleading phrase ...