Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
4/6/2011 11:52 AM ET
Jackie Calmes on the risky Republican budget put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan: "By its mix of deep cuts in taxes and domestic spending, and its shrinkage of the American safety net, the plan sets the ...
4/5/2011 1:30 PM ET
The liberal anti-war bona fides of columnist Nicholas Kristof expired with the Bush administration "Mr. Obama and other world leaders did something truly extraordinary, wonderful and rare: they ...
4/5/2011 12:25 PM ET
Paul Krugman hails the brave leadership of Nancy Pelosi against reforming Social Security, which would have "hurt ordinary Americans to make the nation safe for high-end tax cuts." But why no new ...
4/4/2011 2:17 PM ET
The Times' liberal readership rises up in resentment about pictures of handguns for women: "9 accused us of glamorizing violence and guns....4 suggested we were pandering to N.R.A.-member readers...."
4/4/2011 1:10 PM ET
Secret-publishing editor Bill Keller and conservative critic Gabriel Schoenfeld have a surprisingly amicable discussion on where to draw the line on publishing state secrets in the Internet age.
4/4/2011 12:24 PM ET
Michael Powell's lead story: "The president and his fellow Democrats pointed to the latest jobs report on evidence that their policies, like stimulus spending and the payroll tax cut, ...
4/1/2011 2:57 PM ET
Reporter Lizette Alvarez waxes moralistic about a small trim in unemployment benefits: "But to some here in Flagler County, where the economy rose higher but fell harder than in any other in ...
4/1/2011 2:20 PM ET
Reporter Thomas Kaplan manages to criticize the "pain" to come from Cuomo's budget cuts without once mentioning the state's $10 billion deficit: "...the consequences of a budget that makes deep ...
4/1/2011 1:01 PM ET
Wealthy Times food writer Mark Bittman revels in his college-level leftism: "Some (or much) of both of these last two stem from unregulated capitalism and greed.Well this is really to call ...
3/31/2011 2:08 PM ET
In Times land, there are no coincidences and everything is connected, at least when it comes to conservative activism. Reporter Mike McIntire scores another front-page story from a hostile ...
3/31/2011 1:19 PM ET
Do wealthy person in America "earn" their money, or is just "claimed" or "received" by them? Catherine Rampell reports: "most of the income gains over the last few decades have gone to the very ...
3/30/2011 9:35 PM ET
New York Times food writer Mark Bittman, who has written many food-related news stories for the Times, unleashed a vicious attack on fiscal conservatives Wednesday: "These supposedly ...
3/30/2011 1:07 PM ET
Michael Shear reboots the anti-war candidate as an international affairs expert: "But of the likely top-tier Republican candidates, none can boast any significant experience beyond the borders of ...
3/30/2011 11:27 AM ET
Bittman, who also writes food-related news stories for the Times, unleashed a vicious attack on fiscal conservatives on Wednesday's op-ed page: "These supposedly deficit-reducing cuts - they'd ...
3/29/2011 2:37 PM ET
Michael Cooper doesn't approve of Michigan's small cut in unemployment benefits: "Democrats and advocates for the unemployed expressed outrage that such a hard-hit state will become the most ...
3/29/2011 1:04 PM ET
Why is the Times buttering up Ana Matosantos, a relatively obscure political figure in the California state bureaucracy? Maybe because her pull as state budget director may help push up state ...
3/29/2011 11:36 AM ET
After the Times ran what he called a "cringe-making" and "ham-handed article" that some thought blamed an 11-year-old gang rape victim in Texas, Executive Editor Bill Keller ordered up a follow-up ...
3/28/2011 4:27 PM ET
Ignoring fears of mission creep or questions about exit strategies, New York Times reporter Kirk Johnson dug up some novel excuses for the public's resistance to Obama's bombing campaign over ...
3/28/2011 4:19 PM ET
NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller confessed his paper could be rightfully accused of a liberal outlook, though he managed to make this particular brand of urban cultural liberalism sound appealing: ...
3/28/2011 1:00 PM ET
The Times finds "a conservative drift in state capitols" against illegal immigration, but fails to label the ACLU or the Southern Poverty Law Center.