Geoffrey Dickens

Deputy Research Director

Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC's publications and outlets including,, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation. His articles have been featured on many websites including the Drudge Report. You can see them here.

Born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia this native Washingtonian briefly left the area to earn a degree from Indiana University's School of Journalism. When he's not monitoring the media's liberal bias, Dickens can be found rooting for his beloved Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and Indiana Hoosiers.

Click here to follow Geoffrey Dickens on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Ed's Obsession: Anti-Scott Walker Guests Dominate The Ed Show by 237 to 1

Tuesday’s recall election in Wisconsin marks the end point of MSNBC’s Ed Schultz’s 15 month-long mission to destroy Scott Walker. The conservative Republican governor’s attempt to fix that state’s ...
Media Research Center

Media Mourn Lugar Loss as a 'Tragic' Blow to 'Bipartisanship'

ABC’s Good Morning America treated last night’s loss of long-time serving Republican Senator Richard Lugar, to the more conservative Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock, as a sad sign of the end ...
Media Research Center

Media Breeze By Politically Embarrassing Occupy May Day Protests

When the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement first arrived on the scene back in October of 2011 the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) news networks greeted, what they viewed as the left’s answer to the Tea ...
Media Research Center

Journalist Grandson of Socialist Presidential Candidate: 'We Can't Pay' for Welfare State 'Any More'

Even liberal journalist and Politico contributor Evan Thomas has finally figured out that socialism is an unsustainable system, as he boldly proclaimed on this weekend’s syndicated Inside ...
Media Research Center

Earth Day Special: The Media's Top 25 Worst Environmental Quotes

This Sunday marks the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day and for 25 of those years the MRC has documented the liberal media’s role in advancing the left’s green agenda. From fretting about ...
Media Research Center

Selling Socialism: The Media's Campaign for ObamaCare

Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, but if the media were the judges, the Court would rule 9-0 in favor of it. 
Media Research Center

Lawrence O'Donnell: Let's Take a Look at a Graphic of Rush Limbaugh's Sex Life!

Lawrence O’Donnell, on Thursday’s The Last Word, actually had his production team make up a graphic of Rush Limbaugh’s sex life. As a way to mock the conservative talk radio host’s take on a ...
Media Research Center

Ron Reagan Attacks Rush Limbaugh: He's 'Race Baiting All the Time'

Ron Reagan Jr. took exception to Rush Limbaugh criticizing Mitt Romney’s comment that he wasn’t willing to say “incendiary things” to fire up the base, as the MSNBC contributor lectured: “Rush ...
Media Research Center

Savaging Santorum: The Media's Top 10 Worst Anti-Santorum Quotes

Rick Santorum’s recent rise in the polls in the GOP primary has escalated the liberal media’s attacks on the former Pennsylvania Republican Senator, primarily on his socially conservative ...
Media Research Center

Bailout Ballyhoo for Obama, Boos for Romney

In anticipation of Michigan's GOP primary the liberal media have been playing up Barack Obama as the savior of Detroit and turning Mitt Romney into its villain. Even though the auto bailout ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS and NBC Ignore Shocking Jump in Government Dependents

According to the Heritage Foundation, Barack Obama’s policies, in just two years, have resulted in the number of Americans who rely on a federal program spiking by 23 percent to 67 million. ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Anything But Fast and Furious On Gunwalking Scandal

MRC analysts reviewed the Big Three network evening and morning news shows and found that while CBS aired 29 stories and 1 brief on Fast and Furious, ABC aired only one brief on the June 15, ...

Joy Behar Gushes: Obama's SOTU Speech Was Reaganesque

Joy Behar, on Wednesday's edition of The View, delivered a rave review for Barack Obama's State of the Union of Speech as she gushed that it was "equivalent to Ronald Reagan's 'Morning in America' ...
Media Research Center

The Real State of the Union: Big Three Networks Covering Up Obama's Failures

By many measures, Barack Obama has left the State of the Union in tatters, but the liberal media, led by the highly rated Big Three network (ABC, CBS, NBC) news shows, have attempted to cover ...

Iowa '08 Flashback: Media Begins Flirtation with Obama, But Still Hailing Hillary

At this time four years ago the liberal media was just starting its flirtation with Barack Obama in Iowa, while others still carried the torch for Hillary Clinton. On the eve before the Iowa ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Morning Show Host Gets Chance to Jab GOPers in Primetime

Debate Moderator Stephanopoulos Hits Republican Candidates from the Left on Good Morning America

Flashback: Boston Globe Reporter Praised Barney Frank's 'Integrity' in Wake of Prostitution Scandal

Barney Frank's retirement announcement could have come as early as 1989 but back then the liberal Democratic congressman from Massachusetts relied on the liberal attitudes of his constituents and ...

Big Three Networks Devote a Scant 36 Seconds to Obama's 'Lazy' Gaffe

According to Politico, Barack Obama's "lazy" gaffe is "catching fire," but you wouldn't know that if you got your news from the major networks. The President's remark, made at the Asia-Pacific ...
Media Research Center

Still Thrilled by Obama

Four years ago, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows celebrated the “rock star” Democrats running to replace George W. Bush, and no candidate set journalists’ pulses racing faster than Barack Obama. ...