Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC's publications and outlets including,, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation. His articles have been featured on many websites including the Drudge Report. You can see them here.
Born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia this native Washingtonian briefly left the area to earn a degree from Indiana University's School of Journalism. When he's not monitoring the media's liberal bias, Dickens can be found rooting for his beloved Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and Indiana Hoosiers.
Click here to follow Geoffrey Dickens on Twitter.
Author Articles
5/23/2011 12:29 PM ET
What does it say about incoming Today show co-anchor Ann Curry that even her friends in the liberal media make fun of her? Time's managing editor Richard Stengel, did just that, in his Saturday ...
5/19/2011 5:28 PM ET
Normally the announcement that a government official is leaving a post to join a company they had oversight of would invoke cries of crony capitalism from the likes of NBC Nightly News anchor ...
5/18/2011 5:35 PM ET
Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert, on Tuesday's Colbert Report, featured MRC President L. Brent Bozell in his "The Word" segment that ridiculed those who credit enhanced interrogation or ...
5/18/2011 8:23 AM ET
Advertised as a "Straight Shooter," Couric's Liberal Skew Did Nothing to Repair Damage Caused by Dan Rather's Bias
5/16/2011 4:00 PM ET
On this weekend's McLaughlin Group Newsweek's Eleanor Clift used the occasion of Barack Obama's immigration speech to opine that Hispanics "know which side, which party is on their side" and ...
5/13/2011 9:35 AM ET
Former Arkansas Governor and possible 2012 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has produced a cartoon series that offers a decidedly conservative alternative to the typical liberal bilge that ...
5/9/2011 9:32 PM ET
With the May 9, 2011 official announcement that NBC's Meredith Vieira will be stepping down from the Today show co-anchor chair in June also came the news that the longtime newsreader (since '97) ...
5/5/2011 10:30 AM ET
Incoming CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley was asked by the Politico's Keach Hagey for his reaction to the MRC's Profile in Bias on him and the longtime 60 Minutes correspondent, who once ...
5/2/2011 11:47 AM ET
For the Washington Post's Petula Dvorak the sight of American college kids celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden outside of the White House gates, on Sunday night, was "almost vulgar." In a May ...
4/25/2011 2:46 PM ET
NBC's Today show actually gave Tavis Smiley an opportunity to criticize the President, but it was from the left, as the PBS commentator claimed that Barack Obama has devoted "too much attention to ...
4/22/2011 10:04 AM ET
As part of Green is Universal week, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell highlighted a fight between Republicans and Democrats over the use of Styrofoam in the House cafeterias. On Thursday's Today show, ...
4/21/2011 4:23 PM ET
Deval Patrick appeared on the April 21 Today show to promote his new book, but NBC's Matt Lauer wasted no time in prodding the Democratic Governor of Massachusetts about making a run against ...
4/7/2011 12:06 PM ET
As a potential government shutdown looms the liberal media are filling their programs with stories about dire consequences of deep cuts that will lead to troops not getting paid, closed national ...
3/30/2011 12:01 PM ET
NBC's Matt Lauer, on Wednesday's Today show, startled Michele Bachmann as he tried to convince her that Obama's strategy of bombing Libya was a good way to show support for the rebels as he ...
3/29/2011 3:34 PM ET
Tom Brokaw appeared on Tuesday's Today show to offer his analysis of Barack Obama's Libya policy, as well as his sympathy for a president who has experienced more "unexpected circumstances" than ...
3/22/2011 2:26 PM ET
NBC's Jamie Gangel gave Cory Booker the full liberal media rock star treatment in her Tuesday Today show profile of the Democratic Newark, New Jersey mayor as she cheered that he's "a celebrity ...
3/14/2011 5:32 PM ET
The Birther conspiracy obsessed Chris Matthews, who on Friday's Hardball, suggested the disaster in Japan was a good opportunity for Barack Obama to remind people he was born in Hawaii. Well when ...
3/10/2011 10:17 AM ET
NBC's Meredith Vieira opened Thursday's Today show alerting viewers that Republicans in Wisconsin had caused a "capitol chaos" with a "surprise maneuver" to pass a "controversial budget proposal ...
3/9/2011 4:57 PM ET
Andrea Mitchell joined Democratic Representative Steny Hoyer in sticking up for NPR as the NBC correspondent, on her MSNBC show, declared: "Nobody is suggesting that their journalism has been at ...
3/8/2011 11:54 AM ET
NBC's Matt Lauer didn't exactly throw out the welcome mat for possible presidential GOP contender Rick Santorum as, on Tuesday's Today show, he questioned the former Republican Pennsylvania ...