Geoffrey Dickens

Deputy Research Director

Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC's publications and outlets including,, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation. His articles have been featured on many websites including the Drudge Report. You can see them here.

Born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia this native Washingtonian briefly left the area to earn a degree from Indiana University's School of Journalism. When he's not monitoring the media's liberal bias, Dickens can be found rooting for his beloved Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and Indiana Hoosiers.

Click here to follow Geoffrey Dickens on Twitter.

Author Articles

Matthews Accuses Republican Ken Cuccinelli of Wanting to Take America Back to Pre-Civil War Days

The Republican Attorney General of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, accomplished what many others have failed to do and that is stay calm and collected in the midst of Chris Matthews' increasingly absurd ...

Vieira to Axelrod on Tax Cut Deal: 'Why Shouldn't Americans Look At This As a Disaster in the Making?'

NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Wednesday's Today show, hit David Axelrod repeatedly from the left as she lectured the White House senior adviser that the left is "furious" at Barack Obama for making a ...

NBC's Mitchell to Republican: How Do You Justify a Tax Cut for Those Who Don't Need It?

On Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, Republican Senator Judd Gregg had to remind Andrea Mitchell that hardworking Americans' money belongs to them and not the government, after the NBC reporter ...

On Today: If It Weren't for this Tax Cut Deal We Could've Had Universal Pre-School!

Invited on Tuesday's Today show to discuss the tax cut compromise in Congress, CNBC's Erin Burnett initially whined that "We can't afford it" but then went on to tell viewers that if Congress were ...

Meredith Vieira on Seeing Sarah Palin with a Gun: 'Makes Me Nervous'

The Today show cast, on Tuesday, previewed a guest appearance by reality show star Kate Gosselin on Sarah Palin's TLC show, and after showing a clip of the former Alaska Governor frightening the ...

Befuddled Bill Press Wants to Go Back to the Clinton Era 'Tax Cuts' That Were Actually Tax Increases

Bill Press appeared on Fox News' Geraldo At Large, on Sunday night, as part of a discussion about whether the Bush era tax cuts would be extended and the former CNN host couldn't get his story ...

Times Editor Feebly Tries to Explain Away Success of Conservative Books on NBC's Today Show

During a Today show report about how well books written by the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are selling, the Times' Jenny Schuessler rationalized that the only reason conservative books ...

On Today: NYT Editor Feebly Tries to Explain Away Success of Conservative Books

During a Norah O'Donnell report, on Friday's Today, about how well books written by the likes of Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and Glenn Beck are selling, the New York Times' Jenny Schuessler ...

Matthews: John Boehner Wants to Treat the Earth Like His Ashtray

Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, assailed Republican Congressman John Boehner for, in his view, trashing the planet because the soon-to-be Speaker of the House announced the slashing of the ...

NBC's Curry Rams Global Warming Bias Into Three Straight News Briefs

On Wednesday's Today show NBC's Ann Curry managed to thread the theme of global warming through three different news stories, during her 9am news update. The co-anchor began by notifying viewers ...

NBC's Vieira to Robert Gibbs on Tax Hikes: What Happened to Obama the Fighter?

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs appeared on all three major morning shows, on Wednesday, and was pressed by ABC, CBS and NBC's anchors about whether or not the President would fold and ...

Today Show Portrays Wiki Leaker as a 'Teased' and 'Harassed' Victim of the Military

Instead of leading with how Army Private First Class Bradley Manning may have jeopardized national security with his document dump to WikiLeaks, NBC's chief Pentagon correspondent Jim ...

On Today: Matt Lauer Tries to Convince Republican to Go Obama's Way and Raise Taxes

NBC's Matt Lauer, on Tuesday's Today show, invited on soon to be House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to discuss the meeting of Republican congressional leaders with Barack Obama, and in the process ...

Lauer to Lisa Murkowski: Will You Stand Up to Republicans Who Want Obama to Fail?

NBC's Matt Lauer, on Thursday's Today show, invited on Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski to applaud her presumptive write-in ballot win over Republican candidate Joe Miller and asked if she would now ...

NBC's Mitchell Berates Republican: Are You Just 'Too Busy' to Meet With Obama?

NBC's Andrea Mitchell, hosting her self-titled MSNBC show on Wednesday, got into a bit of a tiff with Republican Senator John Barrasso over, of all things, a scheduling conflict that kept ...

On Today: Bobby Jindal Slams Obama for His Slow Response to Oil Spill, Lauer Offers Excuses

Bobby Jindal, on Monday's Today show, slammed the Obama administration for its slow response to the BP oil spill off the coast of Louisiana, charging that: "It seemed like the federal government ...

Today Show Highlights Palin's Negative Poll Numbers in Tease of Her Reality Show

Norah O'Donnell, on Monday's Today, couldn't resist taking a shot at Sarah Palin, in her review of the former Alaska governor's TLC reality show, as the NBC correspondent trumpeted a recent Gallup ...

Today Film Critic Gene Shalit Retires After 40 Years of Reviewing Movies and the Occasional Liberal Preaching

After 40 years of delivering snarky movie reviews for NBC's Today show, Gene Shalit is calling it quits, with his final broadcast this Thursday and the long-serving movie critic didn't reserve his ...

George W. Bush Delivers a Basic Economics Lesson to Matt Lauer

In a follow-up interview to his prime time special with George W. Bush, NBC's Matt Lauer invited the former president on Wednesday's Today show and in the process got an education on how tax cuts ...

Today Show Mourns Over No More Kennedys in Congress

For the Today show, Democratic Representative Patrick Kennedy's departure from Congress was something to mourn because it represented, as NBC's Matt Lauer lamented, "The end of an era. There's ...