Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC's publications and outlets including,, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation. His articles have been featured on many websites including the Drudge Report. You can see them here.
Born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia this native Washingtonian briefly left the area to earn a degree from Indiana University's School of Journalism. When he's not monitoring the media's liberal bias, Dickens can be found rooting for his beloved Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and Indiana Hoosiers.
Click here to follow Geoffrey Dickens on Twitter.
Author Articles
9/26/2014 1:24 PM ET
An adamant Charlie Rose, on Thursday night, was astounded that there
could be any opposition to the fight against climate change, as he blurted:
“Where is the resistance?! What stands in the ...
9/24/2014 1:34 PM ET
Jimmy Fallon, who famously invited on Barack Obama to slow jam the news
and danced with Michelle Obama, took a couple of swings at the president
in his monologue on Monday night. Could Fallon ...
9/19/2014 2:04 PM ET
On Thursday’s Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, comedian Billy
Crystal reminisced about Robin Williams and recounted a hilarious
moment, way back in 1988, when his longtime friend and fellow ...
9/18/2014 8:45 AM ET
The mother of ISIS beheading victim James Foley told CNN’s Anderson
Cooper, on September 11, that she was “embarrassed and appalled” by the
White House’s handling of her son’s kidnapping. On ...
9/12/2014 2:57 PM ET
On the September 9 Charlie Rose show Bill Maher pronounced that Barack
Obama “will be treated in history very kindly” because future
generations will realize “he’s dealing obviously with ...
9/11/2014 12:40 PM ET
On this 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC
appropriately devoted time to commemorating that tragic day in our
history. But today also marks the second anniversary of ...
9/10/2014 11:07 AM ET
An aide to Eric Holder, who thought he was calling Democratic congressman Elijah Cummings’ office for help on leaking documents to selected reporters, accidentally spilled the beans of the latest ...
9/9/2014 3:03 PM ET
On Monday, NBC’s Chuck Todd came on PBS’s Charlie Rose show and
handicapped Hillary Clinton’s 2016 prospects and the new Meet The Press
host stunningly predicted one of Clinton’s biggest ...
9/9/2014 8:53 AM ET
In the 2003 run-up to the Iraq war Eleanor Clift mocked George W. Bush’s
39-nation strong “coalition of the willing” as the “bullied and the
bribed,” but fast forward to today and The Daily ...
9/5/2014 11:43 AM ET
The IRS targeting scandal has all the intrigue of a political thriller.
First it was the missing e-mails, then destroyed hard drives and now a
missing person in the form of one-time Lois ...
9/4/2014 3:13 PM ET
Appearing on Tuesday’s edition of PBS’s Charlie Rose show, Game Change
co-author Mark Halperin said Hillary Clinton’s poor performance during
her recent book tour was nothing to worry about ...
9/3/2014 3:34 PM ET
On Tuesday night Mark Halperin and John Heilemann stopped by Charlie Rose’s PBS show to throw cold water on GOP hopes of re-taking the Senate as the co-authors of Game Change and current Bloomberg ...
9/2/2014 12:09 PM ET
Letting a nine-year-old fire an Uzi, a firearm whose kick was clearly
too much to handle for someone of that age, was a terrible decision that
led to the death of an Arizona gun instructor. ...
8/27/2014 12:34 PM ET
Unlike her colleagues at the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, on Tuesday night, actually dug into the finer points of the big bombshells revealed in the ...
8/26/2014 11:13 AM ET
On the heels of a Department of Justice lawyer admitting to Judicial
Watch that Lois Lerner’s e-mails do exist comes another stunning
revelation. On Monday evening the New York Observer ...
8/25/2014 3:07 PM ET
The latest bombshell in the IRS scandal has landed. On Monday, Judicial
Watch’s president Tom Fitton told FNC’s Shannon Bream that a Justice
Department attorney told them the missing Lois ...
8/22/2014 1:28 PM ET
Liberals from David Axelrod to Alan Dershowitz have decried the grand
jury indictment of Rick Perry as a hatchet job, but to NBC senior
political news editor Mark Murray it’s still a political ...
8/20/2014 11:31 AM ET
On Tuesday, former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur uttered some of the wackiest media analysis you’ll ever hear when, on his Youtube show,
he declared: “In American media conservatives dominated almost ...
8/19/2014 8:55 AM ET
The indictment case against Republican Governor Rick Perry, that even liberals have described as “weak,” is just the latest GOP controversy that the networks have jumped on to taint Republicans in ...
8/14/2014 3:59 PM ET
On Thursday, NBC News sources confirmed that Chuck Todd will bump David Gregory from the Meet the Press host chair. And while Todd isn’t as liberal as his predecessor, he has played defense for ...