Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC's publications and outlets including,, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation. His articles have been featured on many websites including the Drudge Report. You can see them here.
Born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia this native Washingtonian briefly left the area to earn a degree from Indiana University's School of Journalism. When he's not monitoring the media's liberal bias, Dickens can be found rooting for his beloved Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and Indiana Hoosiers.
Click here to follow Geoffrey Dickens on Twitter.
Author Articles
1/29/2014 4:10 PM ET
Within the span of 40 seconds, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian
Williams reported on two politicians caught in scandals, one a
Republican the other a Democrat, but he gave the party affiliation ...
1/24/2014 1:39 PM ET
A Thursday front page New York Times reported
that Friends of Abe, a group made up of Hollywood conservatives like
actors Gary Sinise and Kelsey Grammer, became the latest right-leaning ...
1/20/2014 2:39 PM ET
On Wednesday the Senate Intelligence Committee issued a devastating
report that blamed the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s State
Department for security failures leading up to the ...
1/15/2014 11:12 AM ET
Known more for getting in the faces of celebrities like Kim Kardashian
and Justin Bieber, the tabloid/paparazzi show TMZ turned its camera sights
on conservative Ted Cruz and the Tea Party. ...
1/14/2014 3:00 PM ET
The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have colluded with the Obama administration to
censor the latest IRS scandal news.
1/14/2014 12:20 PM ET
CBS finally ended its almost six-month long ban on the IRS-Tea Party
investigation to announce to its viewers, on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning,
that the FBI is not expected to “file criminal ...
1/10/2014 3:55 PM ET
On Friday, CNBC correspondent John Harwood tweeted that Chris
Christie’s traffic scandal was “durably damaging” because it was a
“direct govt-on-citizen crime - not indirect like graft, not ...
1/9/2014 1:09 PM ET
After months of stonewalling the Justice Department finally named
someone to head the investigation into the IRS-Tea Party scandal - and
it's an Obama donor. So far ABC, CBS and NBC have yet ...
1/7/2014 2:21 PM ET
On Tuesday's edition of The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg pressed former
Republican strategist Mary Matalin for her early favorites for the 2016
GOP presidential nomination as she wondered who ...
1/2/2014 5:08 PM ET
On the December 30 edition of PBS’s Charlie Rose show former NBA great
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar decried the state of America’s race relations as he
claimed the country was “back sliding” in that ...
12/5/2013 3:39 PM ET
On Monday, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the Oversight Committee investigating the IRS’s targeting of the Tea Party, made a stunning claim that the FBI was stonewalling his investigation. ...
12/4/2013 10:32 AM ET
When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks went ballistic, making the conservative talk show host a centerpiece in their campaign to tarnish Mitt Romney ...
11/21/2013 5:05 PM ET
The cover for the December 2 issue of Time magazine has been
released and it’s a brutal shot at the failed ObamaCare rollout.
Underneath a picture of a broken pill with the words “Obama Care” ...
11/18/2013 9:05 AM ET
While the liberal media may finally be admitting the obvious -- that the ObamaCare rollout has been an “embarrassing,” “botched” failure that has thrown millions off their insurance -- that’s not ...
11/7/2013 9:05 AM ET
In Chris Matthews’ mind, any opposition to the President is due to racism
on the right. Name almost any issue that Barack Obama has faced
confrontation on, and the MSNBC host has cited racism ...
11/4/2013 3:36 PM ET
On October 31 the Washington Examiner’s
Paul Bedard reported the following: “The Internal Revenue Service
shared highly confidential tax information of several Tea Party groups
in the IRS ...
10/30/2013 12:20 PM ET
On Tuesday’s Charlie Rose show, former Vice President Dick
Cheney came on to promote his new book about surviving heart disease and
was treated to a nasty swipe from the host about his Iraq ...
10/17/2013 1:26 PM ET
Chris Matthews is convinced the conservative opposition to Barack Obama isn’t about opposition to big government spending but race. Appearing on MSNBC, right after the President delivered his ...
10/14/2013 4:48 PM ET
In his Monday column,
Politico’s Roger Simon unleashed an anti-GOP rant where he accused the
Republican Party of letting “racism out of the closet,” accused it of
waging “a war against ...
10/10/2013 11:36 AM ET
On October 9 The Blaze reported the following: “Sarah Hall
Ingram, the Internal Revenue Service official who used to head the
office directly involved in the targeting of conservative groups, ...