Most of us won't allow a hairstylist to change our do without an in-depth explanation. But a lot of us are buying into undefined promises of change from presidential contenders.
The state's largest newspaper, and the oldest in the nation, The Hartford Courant, hasn't covered the case on its news pages since it was argued last May. But that doesn't mean the paper has kept ...
With Sweeney Todd and Charlie Wilson just in time for Christmas, the Hollywoodites at the left pole would like us to forget that they're anti-Christian, anti-war and anti-conservative.
The press took umbrage at the D.C. District Court's broad interpretation of the Constitution, which recognized an individual right to keep and bear arms and shot down D.C.'s gun ban as ...
When adults abdicate responsibility as protectors of children and vanguards of public morality and decency, children become the nation's most endangered species. When adults equate legal with ...
Arlen Specter shouldn't be sitting in judgment of great judges like Bork, Roberts and Alito. With his history of liberalism and betrayal of Republicans, the GOP shouldn't have rewarded him with ...
The Kennedy-Smith hate crimes bill, SB 1105, is baloney no matter how it's sliced. Trying to stick it on a defense bill is disgusting, devious, inappropriate and gratuitous.
Seriously, DOJ. Why make a self-proclaimed peddler of porn he boasts is nastier and more vulgar than ever before seen sound like a legitimate filmmaker? It's like describing Al Capone as an ...
Americans who are legitimately concerned about our country's security and solvency being destroyed by porous borders and irresponsible immigration policies are sick to death of being called ...
The fairness nannies and the nutrition nannies make me want to chow down a deep-dish, double-stuffed, double cheese, meat-lovers supreme, extra large pizza, and chase it with a quart of chocolate ...
It doesn't get any more hypocritical than a recording company using federal law to stifle free speech critical of its lewd and lascivious rapper while wrapping the First Amendment around him.
The magnitude of who gets to appoint the next justice to the United States Supreme Court is supremely illustrated by the Court's ruling today upholding the congressional ban on partial birth abortion.