Jeff Poor

Author Articles

Cramer Rips Obama's 'Lurch Toward Populism'

'Mad Money' host says president's 'anti-shareholder rampage' riskiest time for investors since Carter administration.

CNBC's Santelli Reacts to NYTimes Label of Tea Party 'Heroes and Inspiration'

Story about the GOP taming 'Tea Party Tiger' contrasts Santelli to former Louisiana governor and noted populist Huey Long.

CBS's Reid Calls Obama's Populism 'More Like Politics than a Real Plan'

Network's White House correspondent says White House doesn't realize market ramifications of beating up on Wall Street.

CNBC's Harwood Claims Public Doesn't Know Enough about Obamacare

Washington correspondent makes case for health care reform despite Brown victory; 'Squawk Box; co-hosts Kernen, Quick refute claim.

Fox News' Wallace on White House's Effort to Spin Brown Victory: 'I Have to Laugh'

'Fox News Sunday' host criticizes Obama administration for not owning up to failed economic and domestic policies.

Liberal Evangelical Christian Calls Bank Bonuses 'Sins of Biblical Proportions'

On 'Morning Joe,' Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners magazine editor, promotes book and blames economic problems on 'erosion of societal values.'

Ted Turner Advises CNN Not to Follow Fox News Opinion Model

U.N. Foundation chairman and CNN founder tells CNBC he would like to see less 'Tiger,' more of 'what's going on.'

CNBC's Kilduff: $100 Oil in Next Six Months

Network contributor says China pushing prices higher; blasts the peak oil theory as dated.

Conflict of Interest? Intel Gives $250 Million Obama Charity in Midst of FTC Suit

Media once eager to criticize Bush administration's ties to private companies give Obama a pass.

'World News' Plays Populism Card: Bashes Wall St. Bonuses; Ignores Fannie, Freddie

ABC correspondent Stephanie Sy pits unemployed, mortgage-paying Americans against Wall Street executives.

Former BB&T CEO: Current Policies Will Push U.S. to be a Third-World Country in 25 Years

John Allison warns Fox Business viewers entitlement spending and workforce problems could cause American society could collapse.

Epic Double Standard: Lefties Once Outraged by Possible Kudlow Senate Run Mum on Schultz

Liberals not holding MSNBC 'The Ed Show' host to the same standard as conservative CNBC host was held to in 2008.

Alter Blasts Cheney for 'Emboldening the Terrorists' -- Says He's 'Very Dangerous' and 'Must Be Stopped'

Newsweek columnist accuses for VP of depicting President Obama as weak on national security and therefore increasing country's vulnerability.

'Morning Joe' Guest: Wars, Economic Opportunities Created by Pending 'World Water Crisis'

Author peddles new doom-and-gloom book calling for 'an Al Gore of water' and a 'golden rule' for water usage.

John McLaughlin: Freedom is 'Most Overrated' Political Concept

Long-time 'The McLaughlin Group' moderator claims people want the so-called nanny state due to 'economic uncertainty.'

Maddow's Peculiar Logic: Rove Shouldn't Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Due to Own Divorce

MSNBC host and proponent of gay marriage tries to use former Bush administration official's personal life to score political points.

Santelli Condemns Networks for Ignoring Removal of 'Pig Slop' Cap on Fannie, Freddie

CNBC reporter calls for more focus to be put on 'eleventh-hour move' by Obama administration and warns of higher taxes and other economic repercussions.

Liberal Rep. Moran Praises MSNBC, Urges Ed Schultz to Run for Senate

Virginia Democrat claims White House pays 'much more attention' to MSNBC than Fox News and encourages 'Ed Show' host to pressure for public option.

Chicago Trib's Page Claims 'Teabagger' Label 'Asked For'; Calls Fox News Arm of GOP

Columnist rips on tea party movement and cable news channel in 'McLaughlin Group 2009 Year-End Awards.'

'Nightly News' Proposes 'Geo-Engineering' Atmosphere as Solution to Climate Change

Segment suggests tinkering with the clouds and posting other elements in space to prevent so-called manmade climate change.