Jeff Poor
Author Articles
1/26/2010 8:28 AM ET
'Mad Money' host says president's 'anti-shareholder rampage' riskiest time for investors since Carter administration.
1/25/2010 4:34 PM ET
Story about the GOP taming 'Tea Party Tiger' contrasts Santelli to former Louisiana governor and noted populist Huey Long.
1/25/2010 3:11 PM ET
Network's White House correspondent says White House doesn't realize market ramifications of beating up on Wall Street.
1/22/2010 3:35 PM ET
Washington correspondent makes case for health care reform despite Brown victory; 'Squawk Box; co-hosts Kernen, Quick refute claim.
1/21/2010 5:12 PM ET
'Fox News Sunday' host criticizes Obama administration for not owning up to failed economic and domestic policies.
1/21/2010 1:24 PM ET
On 'Morning Joe,' Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners magazine editor, promotes book and blames economic problems on 'erosion of societal values.'
1/14/2010 4:53 PM ET
U.N. Foundation chairman and CNN founder tells CNBC he would like to see less 'Tiger,' more of 'what's going on.'
1/12/2010 11:30 AM ET
Network contributor says China pushing prices higher; blasts the peak oil theory as dated.
1/11/2010 11:17 AM ET
Media once eager to criticize Bush administration's ties to private companies give Obama a pass.
1/11/2010 10:26 AM ET
ABC correspondent Stephanie Sy pits unemployed, mortgage-paying Americans against Wall Street executives.
1/8/2010 2:07 PM ET
John Allison warns Fox Business viewers entitlement spending and workforce problems could cause American society could collapse.
1/7/2010 11:00 AM ET
Liberals not holding MSNBC 'The Ed Show' host to the same standard as conservative CNBC host was held to in 2008.
1/6/2010 1:00 AM ET
Newsweek columnist accuses for VP of depicting President Obama as weak on national security and therefore increasing country's vulnerability.
1/5/2010 3:41 PM ET
Author peddles new doom-and-gloom book calling for 'an Al Gore of water' and a 'golden rule' for water usage.
1/4/2010 8:33 AM ET
Long-time 'The McLaughlin Group' moderator claims people want the so-called nanny state due to 'economic uncertainty.'
12/30/2009 1:00 AM ET
MSNBC host and proponent of gay marriage tries to use former Bush administration official's personal life to score political points.
12/29/2009 2:31 PM ET
CNBC reporter calls for more focus to be put on 'eleventh-hour move' by Obama administration and warns of higher taxes and other economic repercussions.
12/29/2009 8:36 AM ET
Virginia Democrat claims White House pays 'much more attention' to MSNBC than Fox News and encourages 'Ed Show' host to pressure for public option.
12/28/2009 12:27 PM ET
Columnist rips on tea party movement and cable news channel in 'McLaughlin Group 2009 Year-End Awards.'
12/28/2009 9:55 AM ET
Segment suggests tinkering with the clouds and posting other elements in space to prevent so-called manmade climate change.