Jeff Poor

Author Articles

CNBC's Kudlow Rips MSNBC for Lack of Balance; Calls for Supply-Side Solutions for Economy

'The Kudlow Report' host reacts to comments from Barney Frank on MSNBC's 'The Ed Show' who insisted larger government is good, but has a bad name after Katrina.

HuffPo's New Obsession: Take Down the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Lefty news site solicits audience for dirt on pro-business organization.

Financial Regulator Calls for Crackdown on Facebook, Text Messaging

Richard Ketchum of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority says certain electronic communication must be regulated as means to sell financial products.

Vanity Fair Columnist and MSNBC Guest: Fox News 'Not Very Popular in this Country'

Magazine contributing editor tells 'Hardball' highly rated FNC 'a really marginal, somewhat extreme presence'; Says Limbaugh a stigma for the GOP.

CNN's Sanchez Blasts America First, Asks Questions Later in Chevron/Ecuador Dispute

Features left-wing eco-activist Kerry Kennedy's attack on oil giant; postpones Chevron defense until after commercial break.

California AG Angrily Responds to Charges Politically Charged Suit from CNBC Host

'Power Lunch' co-host Caruso-Cabrera suggests Jerry Brown's $56-million lawsuit against State Street bank a ploy to prop up attorney general's bid for governor.

Krauthammer Rips 'Repulsive Audacity' of White House for Fox News Attacks

Columnist and 'Special Report' panelist explains Obama administration's attack on Fox and other media outlets threatens potential advertisers.

Olbermann Calls Prejean's Privacy Complaint over Breast Surgery Details 'Ironic'

MSNBC host equates belief in traditional marriage with privacy breaches.

Behar Goes Palin Bashing; Likens Her to Other 'Mental Midgets' Reagan and Bush

HLN continues left's line of denigrating the intelligence of conservatives ahead of the release of Sarah Palin's book.

Double Standard: Olbermann Given Pass on NFL Commissioner's 'Divisive Comments' Edict

NBC 'Football Night in America' and MSNBC 'Countdown' host's 'Worst Persons in the World' segment attacks conservatives 45 times more than liberals.

Cramer Likens Bonus Outrage to Lenin in 1917: 'It's Really about Stringing Up Guys'

Wall Street complaints sparked by Dow 10K similar to what brought communist leader to power 'Mad Money' host explains.

Broadcast Nets Celebrate Dow 10,000 with Calls to Restrict Wall Street Bonuses

ABC, CBS and NBC all go populist, using Dow Jones Industrial Average breakthrough to emphasize class envy points.

Newsweek's Fineman Invokes Rahm on Health Care: Obama Not Making Use of 'Crisis Mode'

'Countdown' host Keith Olbermann suggests Congress threaten to strip insurers of antitrust exemption as punitive solution to push reform.

Cavuto: Since Obama Blames Bush for Economy, Does Bush Get Credit for Dow 10K?

Macro Portfolio Advisors VP Jim Lacamp says if Bush fault for the economic collapse, you have to give credit for rescue moves made in late 2008.

'Wonder Woman' Joins the Beck Bashing on Behar Show

'View' host's new CNN HLN show dedicates another segment to tarring conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Chris Matthews Rude Awakening: $787-Billion Stimulus 'A Big Grab Bag of Stuff'

MSNBC 'Hardball' host and CNBC 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer criticize stimulus and realize Obama won't get credit for economy until jobs come back.

Pulitzer Winner on Rush's NFL Bid: He Sees 'Visions of Plantation Grandeur Dancing in his Head'

Hunter College professor and author of 'Pimpology' uses challenged quote to make racist charge against Limbaugh; Says NFL should refuse him as owner.

Surprise: NFLPA Union Chief Opposing Limbaugh Bid a Democrat Donor

Since 2004, DeMaurice Smith has donated only to Democratic candidates in presidential and congressional elections.

NY Times Plays Photo Tricks to Condemn Chevron in Ecuador Dispute

Newspaper uses recent photo of state-run oil company's pollution to make it appear Chevron is at fault.

McCain Regrets Wall Street Bailout; Despite Having Voted For It

In CNN 'SOTU' interview, the former GOP presidential nominee expresses TARP disappointment, but host John King neglects to ask if regretted voting for it.