Ken Shepherd
Author Articles
8/16/2006 10:52 AM ET
Post romanticizes dumpster diving as protest against Bush administration, capitalism.
8/15/2006 9:57 AM ET
But Tennessee Rep. Jim Cooper, has a liberal, pro-pork barrel, pro-tax voting record.
8/14/2006 3:35 PM ET
Cost at pump is 2 cents less than post-Katrina high, 9 cents less than inflation-adjusted high.
8/14/2006 12:54 PM ET
ABC sniffs out lead on Cuban military chief's hand in cocaine running operations.
8/14/2006 10:35 AM ET
But other oil experts, noting gas has gone up only one penny in three weeks, see prices going up less dramatically.
8/11/2006 11:49 AM ET
Detailed look shows immigration study comes from group that preaches liberal policy solutions.
8/10/2006 4:34 PM ET
Advertising reporter Melanie Warner attacks McDonald's over a Happy Meal Hummer toy.
8/10/2006 4:04 PM ET
But network's reporter leaves out statistic showing only two percent of teens in survey actually bought alcohol online.
8/9/2006 3:48 PM ET
Network story on saturated fat is the media's latest entree in a menu of anti-fast food stories.
8/9/2006 1:42 PM ET
Both networks cited liberal critics but excluded information from the company's news conference just a day earlier.
8/8/2006 3:57 PM ET
Reporter urges viewers to report price gouging after pipeline shutdown, but neglects to mention actual gouging is rare and that high gas prices help prevent shortages.
8/8/2006 9:35 AM ET
'World News with Charles Gibson' left out second opinion: higher taxes don't lower smoking rates but do breed black markets, mob-related violence.
8/7/2006 3:42 PM ET
But a real estate expert says large, pricey houses are a tiny part of the market.
8/7/2006 11:33 AM ET
The cable network takes a break from barking up the wrong tree on industry regulation and personal responsibility.
8/4/2006 2:47 PM ET
But energy experts point to regulation as the cause for existing problems.
8/3/2006 4:31 PM ET
Reporter calls pro-tax Virginia politicians 'moderate' while those against tax hikes are 'hard-core.'
8/3/2006 1:13 PM ET
From 5-to-1 imbalance in sound bites to excluding critical economists, reporter skews story on wage floor bill.
8/2/2006 4:07 PM ET
NBC consumer correspondent warns that big salads are big on calories.
8/2/2006 1:28 PM ET
NBC's Andrea Mitchell calls fill-in dictator open to free enterprise, ignores rollback in reforms, reliance on Venezuelan oil
8/1/2006 11:37 AM ET
Reporter relies on one climatologist who says pollution delayed global warming in '70s - but back then, scientists warned of catastrophic global cooling.