Ken Shepherd
Author Articles
11/16/2006 1:43 PM ET
But reporter left out how voters think the company's practices aren't an issue for politicians to address.
11/16/2006 12:31 PM ET
'World News' complains of cost, confusion but ignores private sector solutions like Wal-Mart's $4 generic drugs.
11/15/2006 4:54 PM ET
All three broadcast news shows lament high health care costs; ABC promotes two liberal Democrats who favor increasing taxpayers' burden.
11/15/2006 2:46 PM ET
Reporter Attkisson ignored how the Rep. Charles Rangel has mostly ridden with a tax-hiking bandits through most of his career.
11/14/2006 2:34 PM ET
'American Morning' features advocate for more regulation, rear-view cameras, even though study finds they have their limits.
11/6/2006 12:51 PM ET
But reporter Tom Costello left out how studies show seat belts do more harm than good.
11/3/2006 1:17 PM ET
'Good Morning America' complains about 10-minute grace period, though repeated infractions are necessary to merit reprimand.
11/3/2006 11:24 AM ET
'Evening News' anchor forecasted clouds on economic horizon hours before government announced a 5-year low in unemployment.
11/2/2006 11:59 AM ET
But economists see a stable housing market gaining value in the coming year.
11/1/2006 1:55 PM ET
But even a liberal pundit quoted in cover story admits middle class better off now than years ago.
10/26/2006 1:03 PM ET
Reporter Carl Quintanilla followed NY Times lead in slamming housing market in a story on Home Depot's changing approach to retail.
10/25/2006 10:36 AM ET
Reporter Quintanilla debunks substance of claim but insists the blog-fueled plot has oil industry, conservatives on defensive.
10/24/2006 2:48 PM ET
Network's competitors at ABC, NBC reported both Ford losses and strong market close.
10/24/2006 10:21 AM ET
'Evening News' anchor continues pattern of economic reporting BMI found in latest study
10/23/2006 11:14 AM ET
The 'Freshman 15' reported more like the 'Freshman 8,' but reporter Nanci Hellmich focused on complaints from nutritionists about foods offered in college dining halls.
10/20/2006 2:56 PM ET
But earlier story on 'Big Oil' conspiracy to slash gas prices was front page in Business just two weeks ago.
10/19/2006 1:39 PM ET
Anchor insists he has a problem with both parties, but his new book and town hall special confirm he favors bigger government to rescue workers "struggling to hold on to the American Dream."
10/18/2006 5:02 PM ET
Writer Steven Mufson portrays support for higher fuel levies as bipartisan.
10/18/2006 4:42 PM ET
Writer Keith Bradsher explains away flood of autos that CNN's Dobbs had predicted.
10/18/2006 12:48 PM ET
Reporters O'Brien, Schneider admit economy's doing well, but tout bad poll numbers to promote Dobbs program.