Ken Shepherd
Author Articles
1/18/2007 3:47 PM ET
ABC, CBS, and NBC also ignore role private industry plays in fighting war on cancer.
1/17/2007 5:07 PM ET
But reporter Alfonsi's stories were anemic when it came to presenting the industry's defense.
1/17/2007 4:24 PM ET
Reporter Hagenbaugh fails to tell readers that 'consumer rights' watchdog is liberal, conspiracy theorist.
1/15/2007 5:44 PM ET
Media continue to ignore or downplay significance of socialist Chavez's control of oil reserves.
1/12/2007 5:59 PM ET
'Lou Dobbs Tonight' reporter scoffed that 'common sense' trumped pharmaceutical economics expert's conclusions on Medicare 'negotiation.'
1/12/2007 4:01 PM ET
AP, NY Times report that case could encourage holdouts for hefty court rewards.
1/11/2007 3:28 PM ET
But fewer than 500,000 make minimum wage, and research shows two-thirds of workers earn more than the minimum within a year of starting their jobs.
1/10/2007 2:50 PM ET
Reporter Lisa Sylvester selectively edited interview of free market advocate
1/9/2007 3:15 PM ET
NBC does about-face on global warming after scientist tells anchor it's not responsible for balmy Northeast.
1/8/2007 3:48 PM ET
Reporter leaves out critics of the subsidized system, where taxpayers foot the bill for travelers.
1/5/2007 4:12 PM ET
Reporter Bowers gripes about warm temps, but as last winter set in, her network hyped energy prices in cold weather.
1/5/2007 3:13 PM ET
But strong growth in jobs, wages and Internet sales belies reporter's slant.
1/4/2007 8:11 PM ET
Retiring NOAA meteorologist Max Mayfield doubts global warming is to blame for intense hurricane seasons.
1/4/2007 1:21 PM ET
Anchors Gibson, Williams ignore liberal congressman's crusade on 'pay gap.'
1/3/2007 2:54 PM ET
'Evening News' report an intoxicating mix of hype and anti-industry activists.
1/3/2007 2:39 PM ET
Biased coverage in favor of government health care continues on 'World News' while 'Nightline' turns critical eye on Wal-Mart clinics.
1/2/2007 12:39 PM ET
'American Morning's' Ali Velshi pushes liberal talking points on minimum wage.
12/19/2006 3:31 PM ET
Reporter Stone attributed Houston teacher's complaints to concern for curriculum.
12/19/2006 3:05 PM ET
CBS warns of dangers, but in June, reporter Blackstone complained a 'bigger is better' attitude was hurting small car sales.
12/18/2006 3:17 PM ET
Foreign reporter Scott Calvert avoided 'terrorist' label for car-bombing, hostage-taking insurgency.