Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a
Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats.
His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated
radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s
WSJ.com website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from
Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and
political science.
Follow Kyle on Twitter
Email Kyle at kdrennen@mrc.org
Author Articles
2/2/2015 1:15 PM ET
In an interview aired on Monday's NBC Today, President Obama discovered that speaking to an actual journalist was a bit tougher than having YouTube celebrities lob softballs at him. In the ...
1/30/2015 4:25 PM ET
Even as his fellow Morning Joe co-hosts praised John McCain on Friday for denouncing Code Pink anti-war protesters who attempted to disrupt a Senate hearing as "low-life sum," MSNBC's Thomas ...
1/30/2015 9:58 AM ET
On her Thursday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell was aghast at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreeing to speak before a joint session of Congress during an upcoming U.S. visit without ...
1/29/2015 1:34 PM ET
Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today to promote his new film Black or White, actor Kevin Costner stood by his criticism of left-wing activist Michael Moore, following Moore's remarks slamming ...
1/29/2015 11:08 AM ET
On MSNBC's PoliticsNation on Tuesday, host Al Sharpton touted liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank making a "bold prediction" about the remainder of Barack Obama's presidency: "...you ...
1/28/2015 1:04 PM ET
After all three network evening newscasts ignored President Obama dropping his controversial plan to tax 529 college savings accounts on Tuesday, only Wednesday's CBS This Morning noticed the ...
1/27/2015 4:22 PM ET
Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Tuesday, Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein worried that the Clinton political machine would be unable to compete with funding from Charles and David Koch ...
1/26/2015 5:40 PM ET
Leading off an interview with Bobby Jindal on ABC's This Week on Sunday, host George Stephanopoulos played a clip of the Louisiana governor and potential Republican 2016 contender speaking about ...
1/23/2015 6:10 PM ET
Appearing on CNBC's Power Lunch at 1 p.m. ET Friday, the business network's chief Washington correspondent John Harwood touted President Obama's proposal to tax 529 college savings accounts: "If ...
1/23/2015 1:47 PM ET
While playing a game of "Never Have I Ever" on Friday, the hosts of NBC's Today made a series of embarrassing confessions – everything from admitting to having "sexy dreams" about each other, to ...
1/22/2015 6:29 PM ET
In a nasty screed against American Sniper on Wednesday, Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi claimed the Oscar-nominated film was "almost too dumb to criticize" but proceeded to do so ...
1/22/2015 2:07 PM ET
Introducing a segment on Thursday's NBC Today about parents saving for college, co-host Matt Lauer and the show's financial editor Jean Chatzky spent a scant twenty-four seconds on President ...
1/22/2015 10:47 AM ET
Appearing on PBS's Charlie Rose Tuesday night following President Obama's State of the Union address, Bloomberg View columnist Al Hunt praised it as "one of the best speeches of his presidency" ...
1/21/2015 1:04 PM ET
In a softball interview with Joe Biden on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over there being "more tension than normal" during Tuesday's State of the Union address and slammed GOP ...
1/20/2015 2:09 PM ET
On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually grilled White House chief of staff Denis McDonough on President Obama's tax hike proposal: "During the President's last press conference of ...
1/20/2015 8:57 AM ET
At the top of NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd wondered if a Republican rising star could overcome a major obstacle that has occurred "year after year" for the GOP: "Can Iowa's ...
1/19/2015 2:03 PM ET
On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt touted how President Obama's plan to "propose tax hikes for wealthiest Americans" during Tuesday's State of the Union address would be "potentially ...
1/16/2015 4:41 PM ET
On Friday, while all three network morning shows covered Secretary of State John Kerry arriving in Paris to offer U.S. condolences following the recent terrorist attacks, none of the broadcasts ...
1/16/2015 10:17 AM ET
In an interview with newly elected Colorado Senator Cory Gardner for PBS's Charlie Rose, Bloomberg View columnist Al Hunt grilled the Republican on conservatives in Congress being obstructionist: ...
1/15/2015 1:02 PM ET
During an interview with Senator Marco Rubio on Tuesday, PBS host Charlie Rose urged the Florida Republican to say something positive about ObamaCare: "What's the best thing you can say about the ...