Kyle Drennen

Senior News Analyst

Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats. His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science.

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Author Articles

CBS: Lisa Murkowski 'Not Beholden' to GOP 'Who Turned Their Backs on Her'

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski declaring victory in her write-in bid for reelection and portrayed her as a victim of the GOP: ...

Newsweek Uses Same Excuse for Obama as Carter: Presidency Too Big for One Man

In the November 22 issue of Newsweek magazine, Daniel Stone defended the Obama administration by blaming the institution of the presidency for failures rather than the chief executive himself: ...

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Pleads for Government to Force Environmentalism

During Monday's12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer helped promote the network's "Green is Progress" week by demanding greater government intervention to force people to follow an ...

On CBS, Laura Bush Calls Out Media for Liberal Bias

During an interview with former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Jim Axelrod wondered: "In terms of how you understand how you are perceived is there ...

Left-Winger Tina Brown Heads Daily Beast/Newsweek Merger; A List of Her Liberal Rantings

On her webstie, The Daily Beast, on Thursday, editor-in-chief Tina Brown joyously announced the "wedding" of the left-leaning blog with the equally liberal Newsweek magazine: "Some weddings take ...

CBS: 'Polarizing' Palin Speaks At 'Anti-Abortion Rights Rally'

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, news reader Erica Hill used loaded liberal terms to describe a Texas pro-life event that Sarah Palin attended on Wednesday: "Palin shared the stage in an ...

CBS: Government Needed to Stop Fast Food Industry That Wants to 'Get Kids Hooked'

At the top of Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric warned viewers: "They promised to fight childhood obesity, but the biggest chains may be working harder than ever to get kids hooked on ...

CBS 'Early Show' Touted Softest Part of Obama '60 Minutes' Interview, Ignored Tough Questions

On Friday, CBS's Early Show previewed President Obama's upcoming 60 Minutes interview by showing a clip of the softest moment of the exchange and skipping over a series of more challenging ...

MSNBC's Mitchell: 'How Does Extending Tax Cuts for Millionaires Help the Unemployed?'

During her 1PM ET show on MSNBC on Friday, host Andrea Mitchell decried President Obama showing willingness to extend all the Bush tax cuts: "We got the big hint from Robert Gibbs yesterday that ...

Sneak Peek: CBS's Kroft Sympathizes With Obama in Soft '60 Minutes' Interview

In a preview of President Obama's upcoming 60 Minutes interview on Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Steve Kroft is shown commiserating with the commander-in-chief over midterm election ...

CBS: Republicans Have 'Really Dug In Their Heels,' Won't Compromise

At the top of Wednesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric worried: "Can the President and the new speaker find common ground or are we headed for gridlock?" Moments later, she made it clear ...

CBS's Smith: How Can Government 'Unleash the Economy And Not Spend Any Money'?

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith saw Republican goals to limit government spending as antithetical to improving the economy: "How do you unleash the economy and not spend any ...

CBS's Rodriguez: Will Tea Party Drive Out GOP Moderates or 'Fade Away'?

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez painted a grim picture of the future of the tea party: "...they could either stay in the Republican Party and the more moderate Republicans ...

Dan Rather on MSNBC: Mitch McConnell 'Wants to Cut Out Obama's Heart and Feed His Liver to the Dogs'

During live MSNBC coverage leading up to President Obama's Wednesday 1PM ET press conference, former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather urged the President to aggressively take on Republicans in ...

CBS's Smith Frets Over 'No Compromise' Republicans Who Will 'Dismantle Health Care'

In an interview with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Wednesday's Early Show, co-host Harry Smith lamented possible gridlock following big Republican electoral gains: "...will there be that ...

CBS's Smith to Ann Coulter: What If Tea Partiers Bring Government 'To A Screeching Halt'?

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith continued to fret over government gridlock in the wake Republican electoral gains, asking Ann Coulter: "...big Republican wave just rolls in there. ...

CBS: Stewart/Colbert Rally 'Touched Anti-Anger Nerve,' Called for 'Less Name-Calling'

On Saturday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Wyatt Andrews previewed the Washington DC 'Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear,' organized by comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: "Almost all of ...

'Early Show' Ignores Reporters at CBS Alaska Affiliate Smearing Miller Campaign

On Monday, while both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today covered the scandal involving reporters at CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA caught on tape discussing ways to attack Republican Joe ...

CBS's Smith to Haley Barbour: 1994 GOP Win 'Didn't End So Well'

In an interview with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith was already predicting failure if the GOP won control of Congress: "1994 was an important ...

Only ABC Notes Racial Element in Pressuring Meek to Quit Florida Senate Race

On Friday, the CBS Early Show and NBC's Today avoided any discussion of the Democratic Party's racial insensitivity in trying to get black Florida senate candidate Kendrick Meek to drop out of the ...