Kyle Drennen

Senior News Analyst

Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats. His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science.

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Author Articles

CBS Hypes: 'Doctors Who Perform Abortions Fear for Their Lives'

On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric warned of violence against abortion doctors, based flyers being circulated by a pro-life group: "Their pictures are showing up on posters. Now ...

CBS Interviews Assaulted MoveOn Protestor, Never Covered Man Who Had Finger Bitten Off at 2009 MoveOn Event

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith interviewed protestor Lauran Valle, who was stepped on during a protest outside of the Kentucky senate debate on Monday: "Less than a ...

John McCain on CBS Dismisses 'Attacks of the Liberal Media Against' Sarah Palin

Appearing on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, Arizona Senator John McCain spoke of his admiration for Sarah Palin and criticized continued media efforts to go after his former running mate: "I continue ...

CBS Highlights GOP Problems With Latino Voters

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent John Blackstone reported on the growing influence of Latino voters, making sure to focus on Republican setbacks: "They favor Democrats over ...

CBS 'Early Show' Claims 'New Scrutiny' for Virginia Thomas Over Conservative Activism

In the wake of Virginia Thomas requesting an apology from Anita Hill, on Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Chris Wragge used the story to raise questions about Thomas's political ...

CBS: 'Strange Claims From Tea Party Candidates' Help Dems

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith noted how President Obama was on the campaign trail "in hopes of avoiding a Democratic washout," but added, "he may be getting some help from ...

CBS: Israeli Archeological Dig 'Indoctrination' for Expanding 'Jewish Encroachment'

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl fretted over the possible expansion of Israeli settlements near an important archeological site in Jerusalem: "So archeology is being used as ...

CBS Story on 'Fighter' Alan Grayson Ignores False Taliban Ad

In a story on Florida Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson's bid for reelection on Sunday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller described the left-wing bomb thrower this way: "Freshman ...

CBS Puffs Pelosi: 'One of the Most Effective Speakers in Congressional History'

On CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver conducted a fawning interview with Nancy Pelosi, portraying the widely unpopular Speaker of the House as a strong leader taking on her opponents: ...

CBS Finds 'Independent' Voters Who All Bash the Tea Party

On Thursday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric talked to a group of supposedly independent voters in Pennsylvania, but touted how none of them were undecided about one thing: "...there was ...

CBS's Smith Labels Bill O'Reilly 'Bloviator-in-Chief' Over 'View' Appearance

On Friday's CBS Early Show, after news reader Erica Hill reported on Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's heated Thursday appearance on ABC's 'The View,' co-host Harry Smith proclaimed O'Reilly to be ...

CBS 'Early Show' Praises Perez Hilton for Giving Up Bullying, But Promoted It In the Past

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared that vicious gossip monger Perez Hilton "makes nice....with so much bullying going on he doesn't want to be a bully ...

CBS: Christine O'Donnell 'Grilled' on 'History of Controversial Comments'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez teased an upcoming report on Wednesday's Delaware Senate debate by proclaiming: "U.S. Senate candidate and tea party favorite ...

CBS's Harry Smith on Tea Party: 'Can Anger Govern?'

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith interviewed former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and questioned the ability of tea party candidates to be effective in office: "...when it's time ...

CBS's Smith on Valerie Plame Movie: CIA Agent's Life 'Torn Apart' By Bush Administration

Near the end of Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith interviewed actress Naomi Watts about her latest role as former CIA agent Valerie Plame in the movie 'Fair Game': "...a ripped from the ...

CBS's Rodriguez: 'Undignified' Obama 'Offering No Evidence' of GOP Taking Foreign Money

Grilling Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez questioned President Obama attacking Republicans over unproven claims of accepting foreign campaign ...

CBS's Smith to Paladino: Have You 'Added Any Fuel to the Fire of Gay Hatred'?

On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith interrogated New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino over comments he made in opposition to gay marriage: "But by making a ...

CBS Tries to Minimize Dem Problems By Cherry-Picking GOP Setbacks

In a report on Friday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante noted that President Obama hitting the campaign trail for Democrats didn't seem to be helping: "...more than ...

CBS News Poll Claims 'Not Good News for Obama or Tea Party'

Despite a new CBS poll showing low approval numbers for President Obama, at the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith emphasized weak numbers for the tea party: "...most Americans ...

CBS's Jarvis Laments Lack of 'Political Will' for More Stimulus, Cheers Government Intervention in Economy

Appearing on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, business correspondent Rebecca Jarvis expressed disappointment in the lack of a new stimulus package, but hoped for other government action: "...while the ...