Kyle Drennen

Senior News Analyst

Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats. His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science.

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Author Articles

CBS's Smith Cites Medicare as Socialist Success Story

While arguing with Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele about health care reform on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith proclaimed: "...if the public option is ...

CBS: Levi Johnston Claims May 'Shatter' Palin's 'Conservative Family Image'

Teasing an upcoming segment on Thursday's CBS Early Show about new attacks on Sarah Palin by the father of her grandson, Levi Johnston, co-host Maggie Rodriguez exclaimed: "And shocking ...

NYT Editor Finds Kennedy's Flaw: He Helped Reagan Win Presidency

Appearing on MSNBC's New York Times Edition on Friday, 'Week in Review' editor Sam Tanenhaus, author of a new book called "The Death of Conservatism," lamented one of Ted Kennedy's flaws: He ...

CBS's Schieffer: Ted Kennedy 'Was The Classic American Hero'

At the end of Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer fondly remembered Ted Kennedy, exclaiming: "In a sense he was the classic American hero, the imperfect man who was sorely tested ...

CBS's Smith: 'Does A Kennedy Belong' in Ted's Senate Seat?

Speaking with Ted Kennedy's niece, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith wondered: "Does a Kennedy belong in your uncle's old Senate seat?" Townsend replied: ...

NYT Editor Finds Kennedy's Flaw: He Helped Reagan Win Presidency

Appearing on MSNBC's New York Times Edition on Friday, the paper's 'Week in Review' editor, Sam Tanenhaus, lamented one of Ted Kennedy's flaws: "There's a further paradox to this, which is we ...

CBS: Kennedy's Death 'Gives New Life' to Health Care Reform

At the top of the 8AM ET hour of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Russ Mitchell wondered if Ted Kennedy's death could "spur Congress to pass a health care reform bill?" Correspondent Nancy ...

CBS Historian Douglas Brinkley: Ted Kennedy A 'Martyr' for ObamaCare

During the 2:00AM ET hour of CBS's Up to the Minute on Wednesday, shortly after news broke of Senator Ted Kenney's death, historian Douglas Brinkley exclaimed the Massachusetts Democrat was: ...

CBS's Rodriguez: Dick Morris Anti-Obama Book 'Alarmist,' 'Screams At You'

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez interviewed commentator Dick Morris about his latest book critical of the Obama administration, Catastrophe. After reading the book's full ...

CBS Early Show Praises Teen Global Warming Activist

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Daniel Sieberg reported on a young global warming activist from California: "...everyday citizens of all ages are doing their part to raise awareness ...

MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters 'Racist,' Including Black Gun-Owner

On Tuesday, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder ...

CBS Hails ObamaCare; Calls French Health Care 'Best in the World'

On CBS's Sunday Morning correspondent Martha Teichner touted President Obama's latest PR blitz to promote health care reform: "For the third time in five days, Barack Obama used the presidential ...

MSNBC Uses William F. Buckley to Bash Health Care Reform Opponents

On MSNBC Friday, anchor John Harwood spoke with New York Times Week in Review editor Sam Tanenhaus about the health care debate: " know an awful lot about the patron saint of modern ...

Couric Touts How Free Health Clinic Shows 'Reform Is Desperately Needed'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric used a free clinic in Inglewood, California to push for health care reform: "Tonight in the battle over health care, they are on the ...

CBS Uses Editor of Liberal Magazine to 'Fact Check' ObamaCare

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith teased an upcoming segment on dispelling myths about health care reform: "There's so much anger, this vitriol that we see day after day ...

CBS's Mitchell: Health Care Debate 'Nasty National Shouting Match'

At the top of the 8:00AM ET hour of Wednesday's Early Show, co-host Russ Mitchell cited protests at health care reform town hall meetings as evidence that the debate was "turning into a nasty ...

CBS Early Show Again Fears Rise in 'Right-Wing Extremists'

On Wednesday, the CBS Early Show once again feared a rise in right-wing extremism as co-host Russ Mitchell cited a report from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center: "A report out this morning ...

CBS: Sotomayor Known for 'Dance-offs' and 'Can't-miss Christmas Parties'

Reporting on Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation to the Supreme Court on Saturday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Wyatt Andrews declared: "...she's not always the reserved, work-aholic judge she ...

MSNBC Hosts: Town Hall Protests Are Threat to Obama's Life

At the top of the 4:00PM ET hour on MSNBC Friday, fill-in co-anchor Monica Novotny issued a dire warning about protests at health care town hall meetings: "The town hall confrontations are turning ...

CBS Finally Acknowledges Problems With 'Cash for Clunkers'

After touting the 'Cash for Clunkers' program as a "runaway success" and "great for the environment," Friday's CBS Early Show finally reported on problems with the plan as co-host Maggie Rodriguez ...