Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a
Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats.
His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated
radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s
WSJ.com website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from
Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and
political science.
Follow Kyle on Twitter
Email Kyle at kdrennen@mrc.org
Author Articles
7/9/2009 5:37 PM ET
Appearing on MSNBC Thursday afternoon, Washington Post writer and founder of the paper's On Faith blog, Sally Quinn, exclaimed of Sarah Palin: "Well, clearly, she has not put her family ...
7/9/2009 3:35 PM ET
On Wednesday, MSNBC anchor David Shuster made a bold prediction about Sarah Palin's political future: "I've said it before, I'll say it again, Sarah Palin will never recover from this...No matter ...
6/29/2009 11:50 AM ET
While discussing the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court on MSNBC Monday, guest Eliot Spitzer made a startling observation: "Democratic presidents nominate very centrist justices ...
6/25/2009 11:51 AM ET
In the wake of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's admission to having an affair, evening and morning newscasts on NBC, CBS, and ABC all immediately identified him as a Republican. In contrast, ...
6/24/2009 10:55 AM ET
On CBS's Early Show, Mitt Romney described Obama's latest comment on Iran as "not exactly a Ronald Reagan 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall' moment." Harry Smith got defensive: "Very different ...
6/23/2009 5:27 PM ET
Appearing on C-SPAN's Washington Journal Tuesday, CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer dismissed the notion of liberal media bias: "...there is so much media out there now that the idea of bias ...
6/23/2009 10:07 AM ET
In the final portion of his interview with President Obama aired on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, Harry Smith mocked the idea of media bias: "People in the mainstream media have been accused of being ...
6/22/2009 2:40 PM ET
In an interview with President Obama geared to Father's Day, CBS's Harry Smith asked the "father-in-chief" about growing up without his own father: "In this fatherless world, where did you learn ...
6/19/2009 4:10 PM ET
Reacting to a New York Times column in which Frank Rich claimed Fox News was responsible for violent acts like the murder of abortionist George Tiller or the Holocaust Museum shooting, on MSNBC on ...
6/19/2009 10:25 AM ET
CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez wondered on Friday: "Lots of politicians get caught having affairs, as you know. The trick, though, is making a comeback. It's happened before, but the ...
6/18/2009 11:07 AM ET
Now that gay activists are unhappy with Barack Obama for his policies on federal benefits for same-sex couples, CBS has dusted off the "far left" label. Co-host Harry Smith on Thursday: "President ...
6/17/2009 3:15 PM ET
For his "extraordinary" accomplishments in just "a matter of weeks of taking office," the June edition of Scientific American magazine is honoring Barack Obama as one of ten people "who have ...
6/16/2009 4:51 PM ET
On MSNBC, John Harwood shared an intense moment with President Obama he had during a CNBC interview: "He had this fly that was persistently buzzing around him during the interview...he swatted his ...
6/15/2009 4:07 PM ET
On Monday, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer offered some advice to Republicans: "Until they change policies ' I mean, that's what it took for conservatives in Great Britain to win ' is a real change ...
6/10/2009 12:37 PM ET
CBS correspondent Thalia Assuras touted the celebrity status of the Obamas on Wednesday: "The paparazzi and the press corps treat them like movie stars. They're on magazine covers and in fashion ...
6/9/2009 2:26 PM ET
On Monday, CBS correspondent Richard Roth gave a glowing report on President and Michelle Obama in Paris: "The big tourist treat in Paris this weekend was for the tourists treated to a sight of ...
6/8/2009 4:24 PM ET
On CBS's Sunday Morning, White House correspondent Chip Reid gave a glowing review of President Obama's overseas trip: "A trip laden with symbolism and elegant words, asking the world to look ...
6/8/2009 1:16 PM ET
On Sunday, CBS's Bill Whitaker praised the liberal activism of former TV producer Norman Lear: "But in 1980, the king turned his back on his TV empire. He grew alarmed as evangelical Christian ...
6/5/2009 6:08 PM ET
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama's Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above ' ...
6/5/2009 11:25 AM ET
On Thursday, MSNBC's Tamron Hall attempted justify to her network's obsessive coverage of talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh: "We have a right to cover people who are speaking out...Many people listen ...