Mike Ciandella
Author Articles
12/30/2014 10:23 AM ET
From the dubious medical advice of Dr. Oz, to hypocritical comedian and Occupy Wall Street supporter Russell Brand, here are five voices to tune out.
12/18/2014 4:52 PM ET
Washington Post Capital Weather Gang rushes to defense of Ginger Zee after ridiculous, sexist attack.
12/5/2014 9:59 AM ET
NextGen’s 7,637 attack TV spots show how not to run a hate campaign.
12/2/2014 12:07 PM ET
Debt increased more than $7 trillion under Obama presidency.
11/5/2014 10:32 AM ET
73 percent of his climate funding went to failed candidates.
10/29/2014 9:42 AM ET
Behind ‘green hero’ mask is a rent-seeking crony capitalist.
9/24/2014 7:56 AM ET
Those speaking at the UN Climate Summit 2014 traveled a grand total of 1,036,537 miles from locations as distant as China,
India and Peru. That’s enough miles to circle the equator 41.6
9/22/2014 9:53 AM ET
UN Private Sector Forum promises to come up with plans for ‘ambitious action.’
9/17/2014 11:24 AM ET
Former Occupy Supporter Klein rants against capitalism, conservatives by citing flawed data.
9/16/2014 8:45 AM ET
Liberal billionaire funds groups trying to get potential presidential candidates recalled, indicted.
9/10/2014 1:50 PM ET
For-profit colleges suffer the brunt of comedian’s rant.
9/4/2014 9:24 AM ET
Magazine reporter worked with eco-lawyer to help spin facts.
9/3/2014 11:48 AM ET
Networks can’t ‘understand’ opposition to lunch changes, defend ‘unlikely gladiator’ Michelle Obama.
9/2/2014 3:07 PM ET
Media ignore Gore's Nobel predictions falling flat.
8/26/2014 9:30 AM ET
From Buffett to Bloomberg, top left-wing supporters give $2.7 billion to push a liberal agenda.
8/21/2014 8:39 AM ET
President condemns tax ‘inversions,’ yet profits from them politically.
8/18/2014 11:42 AM ET
Networks ignore Soros connection, hype indictment charge.
8/15/2014 11:01 AM ET
Education writer rants about conservatives ‘spewing such
garbage’ about Common Core.
8/14/2014 11:10 AM ET
Newspaper’s view says to keep companies here, ‘write a
rational tax code.’