Mike Ciandella
Author Articles
1/17/2014 4:52 PM ET
Congressman complains $364 million from taxpayers going to
Soros-funded, liberal journalism group.
1/16/2014 4:34 PM ET
The Center for American Progress partnered with Maria Shriver on lib, NBC promoted report.
1/7/2014 8:52 AM ET
Rep. Smith: ‘Inexcusable and irresponsible.’ Led by
self-described ‘Marxist,’ Internews founded liberal groups, promoted globalist
agenda on taxpayer dime.
1/6/2014 4:07 PM ET
Left-wing billionaire gave $725,000 to ‘nonpartisan’ Center for Responsive Politics.
1/2/2014 12:15 PM ET
Scientists rescued from stranded ship, but networks label them ‘tourists.’
12/30/2013 2:44 PM ET
Stranded researchers were on Antarctic Expedition to study climate change.
12/10/2013 5:31 PM ET
John Podesta, founder of left-wing Center for American Progress, to be presidential counsel.
11/26/2013 9:36 AM ET
The media love a good food scare.
11/22/2013 10:28 AM ET
Communications Workers of America has promoted a liberal
agenda in the past.
11/21/2013 3:04 PM ET
State Dept-funded school says creation of Israel
the real tragedy of the Holocaust.
11/20/2013 11:49 AM ET
Media, liberals insist US pay billions for ‘climate change’
related damage.
11/18/2013 1:24 PM ET
Media Consortium launches hypocritical hit job on State Policy Network.
11/13/2013 2:42 PM ET
Networks ignore CSPI’s 1980s promotion of trans fats that led to widespread usage.
11/12/2013 2:51 PM ET
Jeffrey Sachs blames ‘humanity’ for storms on ‘Morning Joe,’ ignores failed 2013 predictions for Atlantic hurricanes.
10/28/2013 10:25 AM ET
ABC News’ request for a dismissal denied by South Dakota federal judge.
10/28/2013 7:31 AM ET
Abortion, Obamacare, gay rights get support from Immigration Reform Groups receiving Soros dollars.
10/24/2013 12:47 PM ET
First time left-wing funder accepts a formal position in a political campaign.