Sarah Knoploh
Author Articles
6/29/2009 1:32 PM ET
Newspaper skips 'largest tax increase in history' for wall-to-wall Michael Jackson coverage.
6/26/2009 12:48 PM ET
ABC, CBS and NBC fail to cover climate bill that would cost each family $1,241 a year.
6/25/2009 12:00 AM ET
Satellite radio announces Rosie O'Donnell will have talk show.
6/25/2009 12:00 AM ET
Burger King's suggestive advertisement leaves little to the imagination.
6/22/2009 12:33 PM ET
In a preview of Wednesday night's infomercial, 'Good Morning America' gives unbalanced report on universal health care.
6/18/2009 12:28 PM ET
Network's medical editor never met socialized medical plan he didn't like.
6/18/2009 10:33 AM ET
ABC's weatherman plugs the 'carbon counter.'
6/16/2009 2:35 PM ET
Showtimes' series gins up controversy with unethical, immoral nurses.
6/16/2009 12:00 AM ET
Showtimes' series gins up controversy with unethical, immoral nurses.
6/15/2009 12:00 AM ET
MTV's new documentary normalizes teenage pregnancy.
6/11/2009 1:25 PM ET
ABC, CBS ignore solutions to rising gas prices including new GOP energy plan.
6/10/2009 12:00 AM ET
Gossip blogger, gay activist and gutter dweller Perez Hilton gets Emmy nod.
6/9/2009 3:14 PM ET
'Good Morning America' lets the tough questions go.
6/8/2009 12:00 AM ET
Actress makes outlandish remarks about who she'd like to destroy
6/4/2009 12:00 AM ET
Politico skews report on the president and same-sex marriage.
6/3/2009 12:00 AM ET
More anti-Christian slurs on The View
6/2/2009 12:26 PM ET
'Good Morning America' promotes going green and 'a different kind of journalism.'
6/2/2009 12:00 AM ET
In reporting his murder, networks and blogs paint late-term abortionist Tiller as courageous defender of women.
5/29/2009 12:00 AM ET
Singer Rob Thomas fails to get his facts straight in advocating same-sex marriage.
5/28/2009 12:00 AM ET
'Good Morning America' shocks viewers about teen behavior, but ignores networks' role in growing sexualization of teens.