Sarah Knoploh

Author Articles

Critics Point out Movie about Dr. Kevorkian is 'One-Sided'

USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Boston Globe describes unbalance in HBO's movie 'You Don't Know Jack.'

USA Today Special Calls for More Government Action on the Environment

Mark Thoreau turns reflection about Henry David Thoreau into a call for more government; touts the Sierra Club.

Conservative Journalism 'Troubles' Journalists, According to AP

News service worries about right's potential biases, ignores left-wing tilt of traditional media and huge liberal Web operations.

Griffin Appears on 'Joy Behar' to Discuss Her Televised Pap Smear

Comedians fail to talk about importance of test and simply make crude jokes about 'vajazzling.'

HuffPo Columnist Calls for Pope's Arrest

Derek Beres not only calls for Pope Benedict to be arrested, but compares him to Roman Polanski.

Lady Gaga: 'It's OK not to have sex'

Pop singer declares that she is celibate, but her lyrics are full of sexual references.

Daily Beast Writer Finds Inclusion of Abortion in New Film 'Encouraging'

Stephen Farber quotes Hollywood writers who pine for the good old days of movie abortions.

'Entertainment Tonight' Feebly Attempts to Stir up More Palin Controversy

Samantha Harris interviews Levi Johnston about Bristol Palin's new Candie's Foundation advertisement.

HuffPo Columnist Asks if Pope Can Be Fired

Without proof of guilt, Andy Ostroy joins in with media in blasting the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict.

McLaren Blasts Evangelicals; Wonders Why They Dislike Him

Huffington Post columnist Brian D. McLaren compares Evangelical Christians to Milgram experiment.

Media's Go-To Christian Voice a Liberal

Huffington Post author doesn't hide his liberal view points as he promotes 'social justice.'

Washington Post: Government May Have to Waste Millions of H1N1 Vaccines

Newspaper finds government spent $1.6 billion fighting 'pandemic' one-third as bad as seasonal flu, ignores media exaggeration of swine flu.

NY Times Columnist Calls for Priests to Marry, Choosing Female Pope

Maureen Dowd joins media's appeal for liberal reforms in the Catholic Church.

Washington Post Ties Iowa Protester to Violence, Even Though He Wasn't

Eli Saslow follows health care protester, links tea party and conservative protests to violence.

Local Journalism Centers: Government's Backdoor to the Newspaper Business

The New York Times reports that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is setting up local journalism centers.

Huffington Post Blogger Attacks Biblical View of Sex

Rob Asghar uses Bristol Palin to argue for premarital sex, mocks Christian beliefs regarding abstinence.

Stop the Presses! Time Magazine Says Private Enterprise is 'Job-Creation Machine'

Barbara Kiviat's new cover story credits the private sector for creating jobs, says government only helps in short term.

One More: USA Today Joins in Misreporting Gardasil Misreporting

Liz Szabo worries about low income girls not receiving Gardasil; falsely labels it a 'cervical cancer vaccine.'

WaPo 'On Faith': Glenn Beck Using 'Same Strategy of the Hitler Youth'

Stevens-Arroyo blasts Fox commentator's position on social justice in Catholic Church.

Moyers Blasts Chamber of Commerce, Insurance Industry

PBS host complains that both are greedy; state health care industry says 'to hell with consumers.'