Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Joe Scarborough to GOP: Stop Listening to the 'Most Extreme People' in the Party

MSNBC's token Republican Joe Scarborough appeared on ABC's The View, Friday, to do what he does best: Trash conservatives. The Morning Joe co-host lectured the Republican Party to "stop listening ...
Media Research Center

Diane Sawyer Goads John Boehner: Obama Won; Why Won't You Just Raise Taxes?

Wold News host Diane Sawyer on Thursday grilled John Boehner, pushing the House Speaker to support tax increases in the wake of Barack Obama's victory. In a clip played on Friday's Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Terry Moran Snarls at Limbaugh for 'Slandering' Obama Voters; Rush Has 'Contempt'

A sneering Terry Moran on Wednesday night slammed an out-of-touch Republican Party in the wake of Barack Obama's reelection. According to Moran, Rush Limbaugh showed "contempt" for the President's ...
Media Research Center

After Apologizing for 'Terrible' Hurricane Comment, Matthews Features Bill Maher for Hitler Jokes

On the same night he apologized for making a horribly inappropriate comment about Hurricane Sandy, Chris Matthews on Wednesday had Bill Maher on Hardball to compare Karl Rove and Republicans to ...

With Election Over, ABC Wonders About Obama's 'Cover-Up,' 'Refusal' to Talk about Libya

Now that the 2012 presidential election is over and Barack Obama has been safely reelected, the journalists at ABC's Good Morning America woke up to the fact that the President has "refused" to ...
Media Research Center

Liberal Lecturing Begins: ABC's Dowd Knocks 'Mad Men' Republicans in a 'Modern Family America'

In the aftermath of Barack Obama's reelection, the lecturing and advice from the liberal media began on Wednesday's Good Morning America. ABC analyst Matt Dowd mocked the GOP as a "Mad ...
Media Research Center

Terry Moran Wistfully Recalls Obama 'Magic,' Reminisces Over 'Hinge of History'

Reporter and Barack Obama acolyte Terry Moran on Monday attended the President's last rally as a candidate, wistfully recalling the "magic" of the Democrat's past campaigns. Moran reminisced, ...

More Doom and Gloom from ABC: Romney Must 'Sweep the Whole East Coast'

 Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and analyst Matt Dowd on Tuesday offered one more day of doom and gloom for the Republican presidential ticket. Discussing the prospect of ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews: Quoting Obama Is Racist, Slams Dinesh D'Souza's 'Twisted' Movie

Chris Matthews in a special Sunday night Hardball slammed the south as racist and insisted that quoting Barack Obama is bigoted. An incredulous Matthews explained, "And topping it off, we heard ...
Media Research Center

ABC News Targets Group Fighting Voter Fraud, Hints at Racial Motive

Nightline correspondent Dan Harris on Thursday profiled an organization fighting voter fraud, suggesting that the non-partisan group might have a racial motive for targeting certain ...
Media Research Center

ABC Again Predicts Doom for Romney: Race 'Breaking' for Obama

Good Morning America's Matt Dowd, who is often billed as a down-the-line analyst, again predicted doom for Mitt Romney, agreeing with George Stephanopoulos's question that the presidential race is ...
Media Research Center

After Touting Obama's 'Presidential Leadership' on Hurricane, ABC Hypes How It 'Plays Politically'

A day after he touted Barack Obama's presidential leadership in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Good Morning America's Jon Karl hyped how "cooperation on disaster relief works. It also plays ...
Media Research Center

ABC Puffs: Storm Allowed Obama to Show 'Presidential Leadership'; Hits Romney on FEMA

Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Wednesday touted Hurricane Sandy as an opportunity for Barack Obama to show "presidential leadership." During the same segment, Karl repeated liberal talking ...
Media Research Center

Instead of Exposing Libya Bombshell, ABC Hypes 'Mystery Monkey' and Yawning Dogs

ABC News has mostly ignored the blockbuster revelation that the Obama White House knew, within hours, about the terrorist connection to the September 11, 2012 attack in Libya.  Instead, shows ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Compares Republicans to Sharia; NOW Guest Trashes GOP 'Talibanization'

A shrieking Chris Matthews on Thursday smeared the Republican Party, comparing the abortion stances of candidates such as Paul Ryan and Richard Mourdock to those found under Sharia law. The ...
Media Research Center

ABC Links 'Landmine' GOP Senate Candidate to Romney, Hypes 'Firestorm'

World News on Wednesday night continued to try and link Mitt Romney to the comments of a Republican Senate candidate in Indiana.  Anchor Diane Sawyer began the program by hyping, "The ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews, Who Used the Phrase 'Shuck and Jive,' Now Calls Sarah Palin Racist for Saying 'Shuck and Jive'

Liberal cable anchor Chris Matthews, who in 2010 used the phrase "shuck and jive," on Wednesday assailed Sarah Palin as racist for using the phrase "shuck and jive." Referring to a Facebook ...
Media Research Center

Massive Doctor Shortage Looming for U.S.; ABC Ignores Connection to ObamaCare

An analysis by the Assocation of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)  concludes that by the year 2020, there will be a shortage of more than 90,000 doctors. The group finds the cause, in ...
Media Research Center

All Three Networks Hype 'Controversial' GOP Senate Candidate and His 'Ties' to Romney

All three morning shows on Wednesday touted White House talking points linking Mitt Romney to a Republican Senate candidate in Indiana who, while speaking about "the horrible situation of ...
Media Research Center

Cocky Chris Matthews Dreams of Senate Fame: I'd Have Been a Democratic 'Star'

In an article for the November Philadelphia Style magazine, a cocky Chris Matthews wistfully recounted a considered 2010 run for Senate, bragging at how incredible he would have been: "I'm not ...