Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

NBC Donates 25 Percent More Airtime to DNC Than RNC

If journalists were interested in fairness, there's nothing more basic than giving a similar amount of airtime to each major party convention. An MRC analysis finds that's exactly what CBS and ABC ...
Media Research Center

As Teachers Strike in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago, Only CBS Mentions They Make $71,000 a Year

All three morning shows on Monday covered the massive teachers strike in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago that left 350,000 students in the lurch. However, only CBS This Morning explained that the ...
Media Research Center

Liberal Networks Struggle to Spin Obama's 'Different,' 'Small' Speech: Not 'the Best'

Even the journalists on the liberal NBC, CBS and ABC morning shows had a hard time spinning Barack Obama's acceptance speech to the Democratic National Convention. On Friday's Today show, ...
Media Research Center

ABC Buries Democrats Booing Restoring God and Israel to Party Platform

ABC on Wednesday and Thursday buried coverage of the embarrassing spectacle of Democratic delegates booing the reinsertion of God and Jerusalem to the party's platform. World News, Nightline and ...
Media Research Center

Networks Welcome Rahm Emanuel, Skip Blood-Soaked Violence Gripping Chicago

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel appeared on all three morning shows, Wednesday, but faced no questions about the city's skyrocketing murder rate. Instead, NBC, CBS and ABC treated the former chief ...
Media Research Center

Democrats Delete God from Party Platform, All Three Networks Ignore

All three network morning shows on Wednesday ignored a move by Democrats to delete references to God from the party's 2012 convention platform. NBC skipped another controversial decision, removing ...
Media Research Center

Networks Grill Paul Ryan, Tout Joe Biden as a Policy Expert

The hosts of the three network morning shows on Tuesday grilled Paul Ryan, questioning the Republican's facts and citing Joe Biden as a policy expert. Former Democratic operative turned ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Touts His Obama-Loving Doc, Proclaims Media Will Be Watching Ryan for Lies

Chris Matthews appeared on the Labor Day edition of the Today show to promote his fawning new documentary, Barack Obama: Making History. The liberal host also insisted that, "from now on," the ...
Media Research Center

Nasty Networks Slam 'Bizarre,' 'Rambling' Eastwood Speech: Did It 'Derail' Romney?

The network morning shows on Friday slammed conservative actor Clint Eastwood's "bizarre," "rambling" endorsement of Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention. Good Morning America, ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Nightline Knocks 'Disingenuous' Claims in Dinesh D'Souza's 'Conspiracy' Film

Nightline reporter David Wright on Wednesday night profiled the new conservative documentary 2016: Obama's America, but warned that the film was a "conspiracy" movie that included "disingenuous" ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos, Expert on Liberal Talking Points: 'You Know What Democrats Say'

How has George Stephanopoulos spent his week? The former top aide to Bill Clinton pushed Democratic talking points on all his guests at the Republican National Convention, continuing the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Pound Rubio on Anti-Hispanic GOP, Deride Paul Ryan

All three morning shows, Wednesday, pounded Marco Rubio, forcing him to defend a supposedly anti-Hispanic Republican Party and explain that the GOP won't destroy Medicare. CBS This Morning ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Charlie Rose Pesters Santorum: What Does Akin 'Say' About the GOP 'and Its Image?'

CBS This Morning anchor Charlie Rose on Tuesday pestered Rick Santorum about Todd Akin and tried to goad the former Republican presidential candidate into bashing Mitt Romney. Highlighting ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Derides NJ Governor, Hits Christie With Dem Talking Points

Former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday hit Chris Christie, the Republican National Convention's keynote speaker, with liberal talking points about his state. Reading off ...
Media Research Center

ABC Downplays New Poll Showing Romney Leading, Frets About 'Pep Rally' During Hurricane

The hosts and reporters on Monday's Good Morning America downplayed a new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing Mitt Romney taking the lead over Barack Obama. It wasn't until the 8am hour that ...
Media Research Center

Unhinged Matthews Welcomes GOP By Ranting About Romney Playing the 'Race Card'

Chris Matthews' unhinged, fuming performance on Monday's Morning Joe is a good reason why members of the GOP avoid MSNBC. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus aggressively ...
Media Research Center

Media Obsession With Akin Hits Overdrive: 96 Minutes in Just Three and a Half Days

The media obsession with a gaffe by Congressman Todd Akin continued on Wednesday and Thursday morning. The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts and morning shows offered five additional ...
Media Research Center

Former Newsweek Editor Warns: GOP Has Become 'Bible-Based,' Paul Ryan Is Anti-Science

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman appeared on Wednesday's Hardball and warned that the Republican Party has become a "faith-based," "Bible-based" political organization. Fineman also ...
Media Research Center

Frenzied Media Give Four Times More Coverage to Akin Flap Than Biden's 'Chains' Smear

A week after giving relatively light coverage to Joe Biden's "chains" smear, the broadcast networks eagerly dove into the Todd Akin controversy, giving over four times more coverage to an ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Smears GOP: 'Real Troglodytes' In Party 'Have a Problem With a Woman Saying She Was Raped'

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Tuesday continued the effort to tie the entire Republican Party to the gaffe-prone Todd Akin, smearing the GOP as a party that doesn't believe in the concept of rape. ...