Frenzied Media Give Four Times More Coverage to Akin Flap Than Biden's 'Chains' Smear
A week after giving relatively light coverage to Joe Biden's "chains" smear, the broadcast networks eagerly dove into the Todd Akin
controversy, giving over four times more coverage to an uproar
involving a statewide (conservative) politician than a controversy
involving a national (liberal) politician.
NBC, CBS and ABC's
evening and morning shows have devoted an astonishing 88 minutes (or 40
segments) of coverage to Congressman Akin's "legitimate rape" remark. Over
a similar three day period, the networks allowed a scant 19 minutes (or
ten segments) to a racially charged gaffe by the Vice President of the
United States.
CBS This Morning reporter Norah O'Donnell on Tuesday
pronounced, "If Akin is still running for the United States Senate,
everybody is going to be asking about Akin, abortion rights, women's
rights, etc., during the Republican convention."
CBS journalists certainly did their best to make sure "everybody" would be talking about the Republican. The network hyped the story the most, pushing the controversy for 13 segments and 37 minutes.
week, Joe Biden spoke to a largely black audience and smeared the
Republican Party, telling his audience, "They're going to put y'all back
in chains!" That gaffe (among others), spurred much embarrassment among
Democrats and talk of dropping Biden from the ticket. Yet on CBS,
reporters allowed just under ten minutes, a nearly four-to-one-gap.
NBC offered a scant six minutes, just three full or partial segments.
(In comparison, the network produced 18 segments on Akin.) That's a
difference of five-to-one.
On Tuesday's Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell tried to connect Akin to the GOP presidential ticket.
Highlighting the congressman's confused remark about rape victims not
getting pregnant because their bodies "shut down," Mitchell noted, "By
the way, doctor, the doctor who first espoused Akin's statement and used
to head the right-to-life party, the Romney campaign called an
important person to them."
Today panelist Star Jones on Tuesday insisted that "the
Romney/Ryan ticket is going to be tarred" with Akin for the "entire
Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on
Tuesday immediately attempted to turn a previously obscure congressman
into an example of GOP opinion. Talking to Jake Tapper, he breathlessly
wondered, "We saw the President pounce in the White House briefing room
yesterday. How are the Democrats going to try to capitalize on this
ABC promoted the Akin story with nine segments over 19 minutes. In
contrast, the same network focused on Biden's problems for a mere three
and a half minutes over three segments. This amounts to another
five-to-one disparity.
on Wednesday interviewed Akin, bristling at a Tweet the campaign sent
out saying the "liberal media is trying to" force Akin "out of the
race." The host complained, "The calls for you to go have come from Mitt
Romney, Republican Senators, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh. That is not
the liberal media."
However, one reason that the conservative movement has been so
concerned about Akin's comments is, precisely, because the liberal media
have chosen to elevate the gaffe into a national incident and to tie Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to the remarks. On Monday's World News,
David Muir connected Akin, saying "...That congressman has often seen
eye to eye with Mitt Romney's running mate Paul Ryan on abortion."
Gaffe-prone Biden has created many problems for the President and the
Democratic Party. But one wouldn't know it from watching the scant
coverage on the networks.
For another comparison, one to actual rape charges, the networks went very light on Juanita Broaddrick's rape accusations against Bill Clinton. After Broaddrick's appearance on Dateline, the networks allowed just four items on her charges