Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

ABC's Osunsami: 'For Years,' Chick-Fil-A Has Dedicated Millions to 'Fight Against Gay Americans'

All three networks on Friday continued to highlight the controversy over Chick-fil-A, but Good Morning America's Steve Osunsami adopted the most confrontational tone, insisting that "for ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Skip First Amendment Angle of Chick-Fil-A Day, Highlight Counter Protest

The CBS and NBC morning shows on Thursday both highlighted a massive show of support for Chick-fil-A, but failed to explain one of the underlying reasons for the protest: An expression of ...
Media Research Center

Networks That Fawned Over Obama's World Tour Mock Romney's International 'Blunders'

MRC analysts examined all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Republican candidate Mitt Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31. Virtually all of ...
Media Research Center

ABC Fumes Over Mitt Romney Aide 'Getting Nasty With the Press' During 'Gaffe'-Filled Trip

Good Morning America's hosts and reporters on Tuesday eagerly pushed Democratic talking points about Mitt Romney's overseas trip, deriding it five times as either a "misstep" or a "gaffe." ...
Media Research Center

Networks Rediscover Security Gaffes at Olympics, But Don't Acknowledge Romney's Warning

The same networks that piled on Mitt Romney for highlighting questions about security for the Olympics have now rediscovered serious problems at the London games. Last Friday, CBS and NBC ...
Media Research Center

ABC Indignantly Chides Romney's U.K. Trip: Advisers Question President's 'Heritage'

ABC kicked off Mitt Romney's visit to London, Thursday, by hyping "controversial" comments from the candidate's advisers. A Good Morning America graphic adopted the worst possible interpretation ...
Media Research Center

ABC Praised Free Speech of 'Spirited' Dixie Chicks, Slams Chick-Fil-A for 'Firestorm'

Even as Democratic officials like Rahm Emanuel promise to use their government power to punish Chick-fil-A, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Ron Claiborne on Thursday derided the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Goes to Bat for Obama: GOP 'Falsely' Peddles President's 'You Didn't Build That' Line

ABC on Tuesday dropped any pretense of objectivity and defended the President over his "you didn't build that" attack on business. In an online article, writers Amy Walter, Elizabeth ...
Media Research Center

Ex-Newsweek Editor Fineman: Romney Appeals to 'Xenophobic,' 'Nativist' GOP Base

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman appeared on Monday's Hardball to smear the Republican Party as "xenophobic" and "nativist." Fineman lamented that Mitt Romney doesn't have the ...
Media Research Center

As Obama Touts Ending the War, Iraq Suffers Deadliest Day Since Troops Withdrew; CBS Skips

One hundred and six people died in Iraq on Monday, a bloody milestone that CBS's morning show ignored. Good Morning America's Josh Elliott recounted, "And oversees, this has been the deadliest day ...
Media Research Center

ABC Plays Up Bloomberg's Call for More Gun Control, But Admits It Won't Happen

Good Morning America Sunday co-host Bianna Golodryga played up calls by liberal Mayor Michael Bloomberg for more gun control in the wake of Friday's mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. This ...
Media Research Center

ABC Forced to Apologize for 'Incorrectly' Linking Tea Party to Mass Murder in Colorado

Hours after mass murder at a 12am showing of the new Batman film, ABC News reporter Brian Ross went on Good Morning America and recklessly speculated that the killer could be a Tea Party member. ...
Media Research Center

Robin Roberts, Who Got 'Chills' from Obama, Pushes Ann Romney: 'Why Not Release' Taxes?

Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts, who has conducted a number of fawning interviews with Barack and Michelle Obama, pushed Ann Romney in an exclusive interview on Thursday to release ...
Media Research Center

Elderly Man Saves a Cafe Full of People By Shooting Gun-Wielding Robbers; NBC, CBS Skip

All three evening newscasts on Tuesday and two out of the three morning shows on Wednesday skipped the dramatic story of an elderly Florida man who saved a cafe full of people from ...
Media Research Center

All Three Networks Fawn Over Obama Kiss: 'Woohoo! Hot in Here!'

All three networks on Tuesday absolutely gushed over Barack Obama kissing his wife at a men's Olympic basketball game on Monday night. CBS This Morning guest anchor Norah O'Donnell thrilled, ...
Media Research Center

Obama TV: ABC Touts Romney Critics, Features Nine Attacks in Just Over Three Minutes

ABC on Sunday aggressively pushed liberal talking points, hyping Barack Obama's call for Mitt Romney to release more tax documents. Over a span of just three minutes and 32 seconds, the anchor ...
Media Research Center

'Nasty' Rush Limbaugh Is Behaving Like a 'Werewolf,' Former Newsweek Editor Spews

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday lashed out at Rush Limbaugh as a "nasty" "werewolf" who is making the national discourse extreme. Hardball anchor Chris Matthews played a clip ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes Obama's 'Barrage' Against Romney's Taxes: Stephanopoulos Wonders 'Any Give?'

Good Morning America on Monday hyped the liberal "barrage" on Bain Capital and the push to get Mitt Romney to release more tax records. Over the span of three minutes, ABC featured Barack ...
Media Research Center

Occupy Violence Erupts in Los Angeles: 'Kill the Cops!'; NBC Ignores

Occupy violence erupted in Los Angeles on Thursday with protesters using slogans such as "Kill the cops." NBC skipped the story on Friday's Today. CBS This Morning and ABC's Good Morning America ...
Media Research Center

Morning Shows Skip ObamaCare Repeal Vote; Evening Newscasts Whine About 'Cost'

All three morning shows on Thursday ignored the House vote to repeal ObamaCare. Despite finding time for such important topics as women who are addicted to tanning, Good Morning America, as ...