Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Networks Devote an Enormous 21 Minutes to Obsessing Over Akin, Hyping Link to GOP

The network morning shows on Tuesday devoted an enormous 20 minutes and 53 seconds to obsessing over a gaffe by a Republican congressman, hyping Todd Akin's comments for nine separate ...
Media Research Center

Former Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman: 'Todd Akin Is the Paul Ryan of Missouri'

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday's Hardball compared the Republican vice presidential candidate to a congressman who is under fire for discussing what makes a "legitimate rape." ...
Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Hype GOP 'Firestorm,' Connect Congressional Gaffes to Romney and Ryan

All three morning shows on Monday highlighted gaffes involving two Republican congressmen, touting the "firestorm" that followed a GOP senatorial candidate who discussed "legitimate rape." ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes: Mitt Romney 'Finally Ready' to Address Taxes, Network Touts Own Role in Story

Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Friday yet again hyped the issue of Mitt Romney's taxes. Guest anchor Elliott touted, "And Mitt Romney finally ready to address that question about his ...
Media Research Center

Day Two: CBS Ignores Shooting at Conservative Organization, NBC Offers a Scant 35 Seconds

Over eight hours of broadcast time, Thursday, the network morning shows devoted a scant two minutes and 57 seconds to Wednesday's shooting at the conservative Family Research Council (FRC). ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews' Tortured Logic: Biden's 'Chains' Comment Is 'Historical,' Not Racist Like GOP

Chris Matthews on Wednesday went to embarrassing lengths as he struggled to explain away a gaffe by the Vice President, offering tortured, confusing logic to defend Joe Biden's "chains" ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews, Who Linked Palin to Giffords Attack, Skips Shooting at Conservative Organization

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who previously linked Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman to the attempted killing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, completely ignored the shooting of a ...
Media Research Center

Once Again, Only CBS Spotlights Racial Overtones in Biden's 'Chains' Attack

Of the three morning shows on Wednesday, only CBS acknowledged the racial tinge of Vice President Joe Biden telling a mostly black crowd that Republicans will "put y'all back in chains." ...
Media Research Center

Ridiculous Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan May Be 'Worse' Than Quayle, 'More Trouble' Than Eagleton

A cartoonish Chris Matthews on Tuesday managed to mangle a historical analogy and spew liberal propaganda at the same time as he offered this ridiculous assessment of Paul Ryan: "This guy ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Already Touting Unpopularity of Paul Ryan, Reads Obama Tweet

Former Democratic operative turned TV host George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday immediately set to work on the job of parroting Democratic talking points about the new Republican presidential ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews' Favorite Campaign Ad Is Paul Ryan Murdering Granny

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Monday revealed his favorite campaign ad of 2012: The outrageous commercial that features Congressman Paul Ryan murdering an elderly woman by throwing ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Introduces Ryan as 'Former Prom King That Once Drove the Weinermobile'

Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos on Monday kicked off the program by tagging Paul Ryan as "the former prom king that once drove the Weinermobile." The ex-Democratic operative ...
Media Research Center

Sour Andrea Mitchell: Paul Ryan as VP Is 'Not a Pick for Women' or 'Suburban Moms'

Minutes after Paul Ryan was introduced as Mitt Romney's vice presidential nominee, Saturday, a sour Andrea Mitchell dismissed the choice: "This is not a pick for suburban moms. This is not a ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Campaign Documentary to Be Hosted by Objective, Balanced...Chris Matthews?

MSNBC will be producing campaign documentaries on Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Romney's special will be hosted by Republican skeptic Chuck Todd. Obama's doc will be in the hands of liberal ...
Media Research Center

Haughty ABC Pretends It's Been Covering Romney-Killed-My-Wife' Ad All Week, Denounces Both Sides

ABC on Thursday night finally broke the network's silence about a dishonest Obama super PAC ad that, essentially, accuses Mitt Romney of killing a woman. On Friday, Good Morning America's hosts ...
Media Research Center

Networks Continue Blackout on Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad, Tout War on Women Meme

All three evening newscasts on Wednesday continued to ignore a super PAC ad by top Obama supporters that accuses Mitt Romney of, essentially, killing a woman. At the same time, CBS and NBC ...
Media Research Center

Howard Fineman, Who Once Slammed 'Werewolf' Rush Limbaugh, Absurdly Denies Liberal Bias

Journalist Howard Fineman, who previously slammed Rush Limbaugh as a "werewolf," who knocked Rick Perry and Sarah Palin as stupid, who smeared Tea Partiers as "secessionists," touted his ...
Media Research Center

Networks Skip Dishonest Obama Super PAC Ad Blaming Romney for Woman's Death

All three evening newscasts on Tuesday and the morning shows on Wednesday skipped a new Super PAC ad (run by former Obama spokesman Bill Burton) that blames Mitt Romney for a woman's death ...
Media Research Center

There He Goes Again: Brian Ross Highlights Shooter's Neo-Nazi Links as 'Right-Wing'

ABC journalist Brian Ross, who on July 20 smeared the Tea Party as connected to a mass killing in Colorado, on Tuesday described the racist views of another shooter and his connection to Nazi, ...
Media Research Center

Taxpayers to Recover a Mere $24 Million from Solyndra; Networks Ignore

The three networks have, thus far, ignored the revelation that American taxpayers will only recover a mere $24 million of the $527 million lost on Solyndra, a new report by the Dow Jones ...