Maher Credits 'Tea Baggers' for Health Care Passage, Palin First to Know About Killing 'Useless' People

Bringing his belittling commentary toward conservatives - disguised as comedy - to a wider audience, on Wednesday's Tonight Show on NBC Bill Maher repeated some of the lines he's spewed in recent weeks on his HBO show. Maher used the sexually-derogatory "tea baggers" term as he credited Tea Party activists for getting the health care bill passed:

I'm sure they're saying, "What are you talking about, Bill? I was so against the health care bill, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging from my hat, dressed up in my founding fathers costume with a picture of Hitler, you know, and Obama's face on him and, you know, screaming about his birth certificate." And America saw that and said: "What loons. We're going with the calm black man."

On Palin: "Sarah Palin screaming about death panels? You know what, Sarah, if we were killing off useless people, you'd be the first to know."

(From late February: "Maher: 'Brain-Dead' Palin 'a Babbling, Barely House-Broken, Uneducated Being'")

From the Wednesday, March 31 Tonight Show with Jay Leno:

BILL MAHER: I thank the tea baggers....Any tea baggers here tonight? They're the ones who got it passed. I'm sure they're saying, "What are you talking about, Bill? I was so against the health care bill, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging from my hat, dressed up in my founding father's costume with a picture of Hitler, you know, and Obama's face on him and, you know, screaming about his birth certificate."

And America saw that and said: "What loons. We're going with the calm black man." [cheers and applause]

These idiots can't even spell "go back to Kenya," you know? Sarah Palin screaming about death panels? You know what, Sarah, if we were killing off useless people, you'd be the first to know. [cheers and applause]

JAY LENO: But now, the GOP are not giving up. Now they want to repeal this thing. They want to replace it with a a new one.

MAHER: Oh, they're such sore losers. Sore losers. And I'm not just talking about the gunfire. I mean, you expect that from the right wing when they lose a a political battle. Of course, the bricks through the window, the death threats on phone machine you know? That's all acceptable, you know? You have to throw a little tantrum when freedom, as we know it, dies because I know what it means to be a patriot, is to make sure that kids don't get checkups.

- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.