
Maher Mocks Conservatives as Racists and Defends Liberal Hatred of Bush

On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, host Maher repeatedly made jokes about conservatives being racists, and defended liberal hatred for President Bush.

Maher Brings Aboard Moyers Who's Glad He Has 'Confederate Money' in Case Gingrich Wins

To Bill Maher's delight, Bill Moyers charged "the delusional fringe has come in from the margin and runs" the Republican Party before he alleged Newt Gingrich is "playing the race card" and so, he ...

ABC Staff Laugh at Maher's Anti-Religious Mockery of Tim Tebow

On Wednesday's Good Morning America, ABC staff could be heard laughing in the background when substitute news reader Dan Harris read part of HBO comedian Bill Maher's infamous tweet mocking Denver ...

After Mentioning Cain, Bill Maher Says Romney Only Thing Stopping 'The Rise of the Apes'

Appearing on ABC's Good Morning America, Monday, to shill for his latest book, Bill Maher told George Stephanopoulos he's rooting for Mitt Romney to win the Republican nomination. "At least he ...

Maher Bets $1 Million 'Token Black Guy' Cain Loses GOP Nod

During the monologue of Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, host Maher referred to GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain as a "token black guy" as he asserted that establishment ...

Bill Maher: Perry's 'Racist Rock' is 'Metaphor' for GOP

During the "New Rules" segment ending Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, host Maher asserted that the painted over "N****head Ranch" rock on Texas Governor Rick Perry's hunting territory ...
Media Research Center

Ten Years After September 11, Recalling the Outrageousness of the Hollywood Left

Ten years after the attacks of September 11, it's worth recalling how the immediate reaction of some on the far Left was to blame the United States foreign policy for instigating the attacks, ...
Media Research Center

The Media's War Against Dick Cheney

The Liberal Press Has Mocked and Vilified Cheney's Conservatism and Terror-Fighting Policies for More than a Decade

CNN's Costello Floats Bill Maher's, Al Gore's Ideas of Liberal Tea Party

With such esteemed liberal intellectual heavyweights like comedian Bill Maher and Al Gore calling for the liberal grassroots to stand up and make their voices heard, CNN's Carol Costello floated ...

Bashing Bachmann: A Review of Liberal Media's Most Obnoxious Attacks on the GOP Presidential Contender

Monday's official announcement by Republican Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann that she is running for the GOP nomination for President could spawn a whole new round of frenzied attacks by ...
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