CyberAlert -- 03/11/1999 -- Bill Clinton: "First 'Woman President'"; Chilly Clinton Bed; Biting Bittman
Bill Clinton: "First 'Woman President'"; Chilly Clinton Bed; Biting Bittman
After interviewing
White House spinner Greg Craig King talked with CNN's Jeff Greenfield,
Quinn and Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward. Near the end of the show
the panel ruminated on why Clinton remains so popular. On why women like
him so much, Quinn offered: "The softness, the sensitivity." Probably not a view shared by Juanita Broaddrick. See and hear Quinn. This March 10 exchange from CNN will be posted Thursday morning, by the MRC's Sean Henry and Kristina Sewell, on the MRC home page. Go to:
Paula Zahn opened the 7pm ET Fox Report: "Remember when the Clintons came home early from their ski trip last week? The White House said it was because Mrs. Clinton got hurt, but insiders are telling a very different story." Cosby disclosed: "Sources tell Fox News the reason it abruptly ended was because the First Couple had a shouting match which left Hillary Clinton storming out of the room, saying she wanted her bags." After letting Democratic hack Peter Fenn suggest strains are expected in a marriage after what they have been through, Cosby continued: "A Clinton family friend tells Fox News that the First Couple barely speak in private, that quote: 'They have nothing to talk about anymore. The only thing they have in common is Chelsea.'" Cosby noted that
the First Lady's press aide, Marsha Berry, refused comment and
maintained Hillary left early because she aggravated an old back injury.
But, Cosby pointed out, that did not stop her from two days later going on
a trip to New York City. Getting to Bill Clinton's current location,
Cosby explained: A feeling shared by many women, if not Sally Quinn.
In the morning, nothing on any of the three broadcast shows on Wednesday. So, through Wednesday the Tuesday Today interview with Sandy Berger remains the only morning show interview segment. (I believe GMA conducted an interview Thursday morning, its first. More in the next CyberAlert.) -- CBS Evening News. In a short story Sharyl Attkisson reported: "CBS News has learned there is yet another top secret ongoing investigation about Chinese nuclear espionage. This case involves the theft of information about America's neutron weapons program from the Laurence Livermore weapons lab in California..." Rather then
announced: "This building spy and espionage controversy is dogging
President Clinton who's in Guatemala tonight for what's called a
Central America summit." It's hardly "dogging" him on ABC
or NBC. From Guatemala City, Bill Plante noted that a senior
administration official said many other nations got secrets in addition to
China. Here's the rest of Plante's brief report, in full: But will ABC and NBC notice? -- CNN's The World Today. David Ensor showed how at a House hearing on the State Department's budget Secretary Madeleine Albright was asked about the espionage, explained how there is wrangling between Republicans and Democrats over how much of the Cox report to make public and reported that two other nuclear laboratory scientists have already been fired or imprisoned for passing along secrets. Alan Dodds Frank then provided a profile of Wen Ho Lee before Wolf Blitzer checked in with a piece about how Republican presidential candidates "smell blood" in Al Gore's position as point man for advocating "constructive engagement" with China. Blitzer played this soundbite from Lamar Alexander: "It is ironic that Mr. Berger learned of this espionage in exactly the same month that Mr. Gore was attending his now famous fundraiser with Buddhist nuns in Southern California." The White House
denies the connection, Blitzer relayed, but he observed that "What
goes around comes around. During the '92 election campaign then
candidate Bill Clinton similarly lashed out at President George
Bush." (Tuesday night, a CyberAlert reader informed me, CNN's Moneyline NewsHour with Lou Dobbs devoted half the show to the Chinese espionage with Dobbs anchoring live from Los Alamos, New Mexico. More details in the next CyberAlert about those stories with some unique information and angles which did not run on CNN's main evening newscast, The World Today.)
Katie Couric:
"Do you believe in this notion of a right wing conspiracy that Mrs.
Clinton talked about?" Why have facts when feelings and victimology rule. What do Bernard and Barbara (Monica's step mother) look like? If you're interested, go the posted version of this CyberAlert on the MRC Web site where a video image of them from Today will be posted Thursday morning next to this item.
So, with Starr's top deputy, Robert Bittman, now available for media interviews since he has left for a private sector job, what did Good Morning America do? Take advantage of a long-awaited chance to get Starr's point of view on events of the past 14 months from an insider who is finally free to talk? No, the show devoted an entire five minute interview segment to grilling Bittman about the latest charges against Starr's office, as if they are credible and accurate. Here are all the questions Good Morning America co-host Charles Gibson demanded Bittman answer on the March 10 show, as transcribed by MRC analyst Mark Drake. -- "As you know, Ms. Lewinsky charges in her book that your lawyers in the Ritz Carlton confrontation, January 16th, 1998 essentially prevented her from calling her lawyer, deprived her of her rights. Your response?" -- "Well,
because technically she was not in custody and she was technically free to
leave, but Mr. Bittman, in practical reality, you surround a 24 year old
girl with up to nine FBI agents and prosecutors, I mean she's gonna be so
scared, that she'll do anything they say, won't she?" -- "And that
same judge also criticized your office for discussing immunity with her
without her lawyers present, which was in violation of Department of
Justice guidelines." -- "Offered her immunity if she would do certain things." -- "Perhaps
the more serious charge: that your office was tipped off to Lewinsky by a
lawyer tied to the Paula Jones case, which would, of course, put your
office in league with a party to a private suit." -- "Well,
your first contact, your first knowledge of Monica Lewinsky came from a
Philadelphia lawyer named Jerome Marcus, didn't it, who was working with
the Paula Jones' lawyers?" -- "There is
a possible investigation coming from the Department of Justice. You said
earlier in the week that Janet Reno has it in for Kenneth Starr. A bit
ironic, isn't it, Mr. Bittman since basically, what the country has come
to believe is that Kenneth Starr has it in for Bill Clinton?" -- "You say as you get closer to the President, but really, things are moving further away from the President now that the impeachment is over, isn't it?"
The question:
"Who has had the greatest impact on society?" As of late Wednesday, Oprah was leading followed by Madonna. I'd assume the History Channel did not mean to suggest these are the five with the greatest impact in history and were just putting forward some current names for ranking, but even so it's quite a skewed list, skewed to the left. No Margaret Thatcher and no one from the world of science or medicine or literature. An example of celebrity over substance. -- Brent Baker >>>
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